Investment Register - Can't see the cash balance column and can't fix it

KT_WA Quicken Windows Subscription Member
I am unable to see the cash balance columns in a few of my investment registers (but not all of them!). I do have a cash balance and it is currently not correct but I can't figure out how to see the column. I don't seem to have a bottom left/right scroll and I have stretched my Quicken window over two 24" monitors and I still can't find the column to resize it. I have made sure my text display is 100%, changed the High DPI settings and still nothing. Any thoughts or help?

Best Answer


  • volvogirl
    volvogirl Quicken Windows Other SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    Or if the account is set up as a Single Mutual Fund it will not have a cash column.  If it is a SMF you should be able to edit the account and change it. There might be a yes or no box for Single Mutual Fund.

    I'm staying on Quicken 2013 Premier for Windows.

  • KT_WA
    KT_WA Quicken Windows Subscription Member
    I don't have either of those options in Account Details. It is a retirement account if that makes a difference?
  • KT_WA
    KT_WA Quicken Windows Subscription Member
    Oh actually there is a separate cash account for the two - I was looking at the wrong investment account when I posted my response. So thanks Sherlock - that was the answer!