How do I create a P&L report that includes income and expenses?

Quicken Windows Other Member
Trying to create and save a P&L report for year to date, but when I create only Expenses show - no income!? Have checked prior year reports for settings and they appear to be the same. Appreciate advice.
Thanks - Alan
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Thanks - Alan
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Best Answer
Reports > Spending Reports > Income and Expenses by Category is probably used the most. Click the Customize icon and then the Accounts tab and select all Accounts, move over to the Categories tab and select all Categories. That certainly should work.If it doesn't work, why can't you open one of those prior year reports, customize that, then save it, maybe with a new name?5
Reports > Spending Reports > Income and Expenses by Category is probably used the most. Click the Customize icon and then the Accounts tab and select all Accounts, move over to the Categories tab and select all Categories. That certainly should work.If it doesn't work, why can't you open one of those prior year reports, customize that, then save it, maybe with a new name?5
Hi @AlanS3205,
I assume that you are running Home, Business & Rental Property - is that correct? If so, you may not realize that the report you are running will only show "business income" categories. If your business income is not in the proper categories, it will not display in the report.
Let me know if you have any followups.
FrankxQuicken Home, Business & Rental Property - Windows 10-Home Version
- - - - Quicken User since 1984 - - -
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And if you are running a business report each category has to have a schedule C tax line assigned to it. To check the tax line assignment open the Category list by either clicking on the Category Icon or go to Tools-Category List or Ctrl+Shift+C. Then select the category and right click on it to Edit it. Click on the Tax Reporting Tab and check the box for Tax related and pick a Schedule C: tax line item.
I'm staying on Quicken 2013 Premier for Windows.
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