Print/export mortgage payment schedule (Q Mac)

20202 Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭✭
edited October 2023 in Printing
I can view my next home mortgage payments by clicking on the button on my Quicken Loan page. But I can't print the payment schedule. I can select all the entries on the schedule, but I can't paste them to use in a spreadsheet. I can't do anything with that schedule of future payments. But I'd like to see what my future interest payments are. I can't find a report or a way to do this.
Thanks for any help!
13 votes

Reviewed · Last Updated


  • Quicken Francisco
    Quicken Francisco Quicken Windows Subscription Alumni ✭✭✭✭
    Hello @20202

    Thank you for taking the time to visit the Community to post your question, although I apologize that this feature isn't currently offered.

    I have changed your post to an Idea thread to add the ability to print the payment schedule from mortgage/loan

    Be sure to navigate to the top of this post and click the up arrow to add your vote!

    Ideas are reviewed by our development team to see what people would like to be available in the future.


    Thank you,


    -Quicken Francisco

  • 20202
    20202 Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    Thanks for your reply.
    Off hand, how difficult is it to take a window and allow copying text from it? Anyone know?
    Thanks again!
  • jacobs
    jacobs Quicken Mac Subscription SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta
    @20202 The answer is that it's unclear to any of us here how difficult it would be. It depends what environment that particular screen is built in, and what it would take to make the text selectable and copyable. (This was an issue at one time with the portfolio screen, and they had to extensively re-write part of the program to meet users needs. But with user complaints, they tackled it and did it.) In this case, it might be a very simple thing to fix or something compare complex. And it may or may not be on the developers' radar. And further, if it is, they have hundreds of requests for improved functionality, so they need to prioritize how high they think this ranks among the many needs. That's why the moderator made this an idea thread, so people can vote if they'd like to see this functionality. If it garners a decent number of votes, the moderators have a channel through which they can push this out to the developers for consideration. 
    Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 1993
  • Bourbon
    Bourbon Quicken Canada Subscription Member ✭✭
    We are now in 2021, and this function is stil not available. Copying to clipboard is blocked and so we can't export to Excel, which is ridiculous in this day and age! Why does Quicken block this, there are NO specific advantage, just more trouble and time required for your clients to be able to do their out of Quicken analysis.
  • Bourbon
    Bourbon Quicken Canada Subscription Member ✭✭
    We are now 1 full year later for something that should not be long to do, either that or create a report we can use
  • jacobs
    jacobs Quicken Mac Subscription SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta
    @Bourbon  The problem isn't whether it's hard to do or not, but simply which of many not-hard-to-do projects (along with those which are time-consuming and hard to do) the developers put their time into. Quicken hasn't "blocked" copying to the clipboard; it's something that needs to be built into the code. The screen you see built to look like a table, but getting it to export or be copy-able as a table actually has to be coded.

    For you, this is a top priority, but many other Quicken users list many other top priorities -- and the developers can't get to them as fast as any of us want. In part, that's why there is voting on this forum: to help the developers see which issues generate the most interest among users. This one, as you can see, has only received 7 votes over the past year. That doesn't mean it's not a good idea, and it doesn't mean they won't implement it. It does mean, though, that there are other feature requests which a larger number of Quicken users have been clamoring for, and which are likely higher on the developers roadmap. 
    Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 1993
  • TWin
    TWin Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭
    I have no idea where on the priority list this function might be (if anywhere), but it doesn't seem that it would be difficult. The text is all "selectable" via command-a or simply dragging a cursor. But it's "uncopyable". That seems very strange since I've never encounter "selectable text" anywhere on a Mac that then can't be copied to the clipboard.
  • jacobs
    jacobs Quicken Mac Subscription SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta
    TWin said:
    The text is all "selectable" via command-a or simply dragging a cursor. But it's "uncopyable". That seems very strange since I've never encounter "selectable text" anywhere on a Mac that then can't be copied to the clipboard.
    @TWin The Portfolio table used to behave the same way. They had to significantly re-write some of the code for the Portfolio screen to make it copyable and exportable. I'm guessing a similar change for this area would require some similar recording; I don't know enough about it to know how complicated this would be — but it's likely less trivial than you think it is. In any case, the developers do listen — as we saw with the changes to the Portfolio — so it's important for people who want this functionality to add their votes to this Idea topic. (Currently, it has only 9 votes after nearly two years, which might contribute to why it hasn't been high on the developers' priority list.)
    Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 1993