Manually entering stock sales & purchases vs automatic downloads from brokerage (Vanguard)?

Quicken Windows Other Member ✭✭✭
I usually wait until my brokerage transactions (Vanguard) to download, however if want to manually enter a stock sale or purchase, will doing so mess up future transaction downloads? I recognize that I will need to delete the downloads since that would result in duplicate transactions. Sometimes I would rather not wait until the trades are settled and 'come ' into Quicken.
Best Answers
When you import the transactions, you should be able to accept the downloaded transactions that match the transactions you entered earlier. When there are downloaded transactions that do not match transactions you've entered earlier, you should determine why and resolve the issue appropriately.0
I 'always' manually enter the transactions first when I have initiated them (buys and sells as opposed to dividends and reinvestments). When the downloads come through I may get an 'Near Match' because the price and share quantity I used (such as for a $-based MF sale) is slightly different than the NAV price for that date. I then correct those values which makes the two a 'Match'; I accept the match and the 'c' gets entered as the cleared status.
Note that I choose not to have downloaded transactions automatically entered into accounts.0
When you import the transactions, you should be able to accept the downloaded transactions that match the transactions you entered earlier. When there are downloaded transactions that do not match transactions you've entered earlier, you should determine why and resolve the issue appropriately.0
Sherlock, I guess you are saying that by entering the transactions manually, it does not upset the download process in any way, and I can just accept the 'match'. I have tried this, and I see that the 'c' meaning cleared is not there yet, but I expect when I download those transactions next week, accepting the match will put a 'c' in the 'cleared' column.0
I 'always' manually enter the transactions first when I have initiated them (buys and sells as opposed to dividends and reinvestments). When the downloads come through I may get an 'Near Match' because the price and share quantity I used (such as for a $-based MF sale) is slightly different than the NAV price for that date. I then correct those values which makes the two a 'Match'; I accept the match and the 'c' gets entered as the cleared status.
Note that I choose not to have downloaded transactions automatically entered into accounts.0 -
This helps, thanks for explaining in detail. I have almost always accepted the transactions rather than manually entering (for buy and sale).0