Can't see Existing Cloud Account

Created file on Windows desktop client, set up cloud syncing and it's available "One the Web" in the account > Finance list.

Downloaded the Mac desktop client, logged in and forced me to create a local finance file. Went through and allowed sync, checked the cloud accounts list and it only shows the local file.

How am I able to sync the original file?

Best Answer

  • John_in_NC
    John_in_NC SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta
    Answer ✓
    You are not going to be able to have a single cloud account that both the Win//Mac versions can access. Each platform will have its own unique Cloud account, so that is why the Mac version won't access it.

    If you want your Win data on your Mac, you will have to move a copy of your data file (.qdf) over to your Mac, and import that into a new, blank Quicken for Mac file. There is not a means to share/sync a data between platforms at this time.


  • John_in_NC
    John_in_NC SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta
    Answer ✓
    You are not going to be able to have a single cloud account that both the Win//Mac versions can access. Each platform will have its own unique Cloud account, so that is why the Mac version won't access it.

    If you want your Win data on your Mac, you will have to move a copy of your data file (.qdf) over to your Mac, and import that into a new, blank Quicken for Mac file. There is not a means to share/sync a data between platforms at this time.
  • That's a shame... Is there any idea if this will ever change? Seems like I can't be the only multi-platform household.
  • John_in_NC
    John_in_NC SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta
    TheJessle said:
    That's a shame... Is there any idea if this will ever change? Seems like I can't be the only multi-platform household.
    I have no idea, and it is requested that we don't speculate. So, I will keep mum. 

    That said, I see far less posts from cross platform users than ones who simply wish to share their data file amongst other family members (using the same OS.)  
  • jacobs
    jacobs SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta
    Quicken Mac and Quicken Windows are close cousins, but their data files and operations are pretty different. That doesn't appear likely to change in the foreseeable future. 

    The primary way to deal with this is to choose which platform you want to use primarily for Quicken, and on the other, use the Quicken web interface to access your Quicken data. The web interface doesn't give you all the reporting and options of the desktop program, but if you just need to enter data or look up a past transaction, this might work for you. (I should also put in a caveat that Quicken cloud (web/mobile) is known to be the cause of some problems users have with data because of the complicated syncing that goes on behind the scenes. I personally don't use Quicken's cloud services for this reason.)

    I should also add a note to John's comment above: while it's true that you can move your Quicken Windows data to Quicken Mac, it's only a one-way trip (investments don't transfer from Quicken Mac back to Quicken windows). There is no way to move your data back and forth the between the two platforms. 
    Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 1993
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