CC-501 error preventing updates

Best Answer
Hi @Greenhorn,
Sorry to hear you're having problems with updating your accounts. If you haven't reviewed this already, I suggest you take a look at the guidance located in this LINK.
The suggested solution is to contact Quicken Support and here's the LINK for that.
Let us know how that goes.
FrankxQuicken Home, Business & Rental Property - Windows 10-Home Version
- - - - Quicken User since 1984 - - -
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Hi @Greenhorn,
Sorry to hear you're having problems with updating your accounts. If you haven't reviewed this already, I suggest you take a look at the guidance located in this LINK.
The suggested solution is to contact Quicken Support and here's the LINK for that.
Let us know how that goes.
FrankxQuicken Home, Business & Rental Property - Windows 10-Home Version
- - - - Quicken User since 1984 - - -
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CC-501 error for University Federal CU
I can no longer add or update this or one of my Vanguard accounts.
"We’re sorry, the server is experiencing an internal error. Try again now, or wait and try later."1 -
Same issue here, and no one seems to be able to help. Had the same issue with 2017, and decided to give them a second chance. Worked for about a month after updating then starting dong the same thing 2017 did (CC-501 / don't call them it's us message). This is the last time I pay for this pos software that can't do the one thing I purchased it to do.-1
My credit union said that Intuit changed something in the process but did not tell them ahead of time. They are trying to contact Intuit but they will not respond before mid January. I spent 3 hours online with Intuit and the only answer they gave was that "it wasn't their fault" which I can now say is wrong. Intuit said to wait a few days and try again and again. I don't know why they cannot be honest and own up to their mistakes. I have been using Quicken for about 20 years and this is the treatment I get. Gee, thanks!1
I have also had this issue for a month after the update that implemented the change that references this article Initially, it was my credit union that didn't work. I was online with quicken support for 7 hours over 2 days and they said the issue was corruption in my file (not found by their file validator) because it's stored on a NAS. Now 2 other banks that were working are getting CC-501 errors, but credit cards and investments download fine. I have had issues in the past where one of my banks stopped working for months and then magically started working again. At least then I could manually download from my bank website. Now that doesn't work. I have also been using Quicken for 20+ years and I am tired of paying for a product where I now have to manually enter transactions.0
I have contacted Quicken Support and my Credit Union and all I can get is that Quicken changed something in their download process with the credit union and it no longer works and Quicken will not work with them to get it fixed. Now I have several accounts that do not work and cannot be fixed. This is intolerable!0
Hello @Greenhorn
Thank you for taking the time to visit the Community to report this issue, although I apologize that you continue to experience this trouble.
There is currently a known issue available here regarding CC-501 errors. This is an ongoing issue at this time. Please visit the link and select the gold star to bookmark the conversation.
This will ensure that you are notified via email of any updates or changes.
Thank you,
-Quicken Tyka
~~~***~~~0 -
Are you doing anything to address this? It has been MONTHS and nothing has changed. It is getting worse on a daily basis. It is starting to affect almost every account so it becomes a nightmare to try to update any info. Your efforts seem useless. You should talk to the banks and credit unions that you are screwing with to see what they have to say. It is quite clear that you are not doing that now.0
Hello @Greenhorn
Hello @mtnrik9
I apologize for the issue you're having. Do you by chance have a ticket number of the call you were on. I'd like to see what exactly happened so that I'm able to better understand the situation. Once you get a chance please let me know!
Quicken Francisco
0 -
I replied to your message and it was rejected by the mail system.
Here is my response:
Here is one of the tickets: {"Ticket ID":"8196085"} I spent several hours on the chat and it was for nothing. If I keep trying I can sometimes get the download to work but it will only last for a couple of days then crap out again.
What you don't seem to understand is that my credit union and Vanguard said that something in the download process was changed but the credit union was not told what and cannot get Quicken to work with them to fix it. That is what my contacts at the credit union told me. They said that if they ever heard from Quicken they would let me know. So far they haven't heard.
I have worked with programmers for years and I know how they can be but this attitude that "Quicken can do no wrong" is driving me away and tarnishing your image with the credit union and with Vanguard.
William Greenhaw0 -
I am having this problem with LLBean Mastercard all of a sudden not updating transactions in Quicken subscription. What is the answer to the problem?? This self-help solution is good for finding other users with the same problem, but, again, what is the fix?? Wasting so much time, Quicken should pay ME, or give me a monthly credit. I'd rather it just WORK. Also, this is a really confusing self-help format. I've swung buy the apology msj about being extra busy a dozen times.
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I don't know what you have done but you managed to make it even worse. All my savings account are now shown to be checking accounts, even my CD. [removed - violation of community guidelines]0