Why won't the activity download for BOTH of my Bank checking accounts?

txblush1955 Quicken Windows Subscription Member
I have two checking accounts with my bank. One of the accounts is new (Account 2). Since I added the new one, my original account (Account 1) doesn't get updated. I deleted Account 1 and set it up again. Today, only Account 2 activity downloaded, not Account 1. Both have activity. Is it not possible to download 2 separate account activity?


  • txblush1955
    txblush1955 Quicken Windows Subscription Member
    I mean to add, Account 1 DID download after I re-set up the service. But, now only Account 2 activity is downloading again.
  • Quicken Francisco
    Quicken Francisco Quicken Windows Subscription Alumni ✭✭✭✭

    Hello @txblush1955

    Thank you for reaching out on the community and telling us about your issue. I do apologize for the issue you're having. That is a bit odd you should be able to download both accounts. What FI is it that you're having trouble with? How long has this been going on as well? Do you have any other accounts with the same FI? Are you getting an error or does it just say no new transactions downloaded? We'll want to look for a bit more information before we see what other type of troubleshooting we're able to do. 


    Quicken Francisco

  • txblush1955
    txblush1955 Quicken Windows Subscription Member
    FI is Chase. I just added that second DDA about a month ago which is when it started. Both accounts are just regular DDAs. I don't have any other accounts of any kind with them. I don't get any error message or notification that there is no activity -- but I've never received a message that states no activity anyway. The activity just doesn't download on that account. I thought it was odd that when I deleted and then reset up my original DDA that it DID download the activity once (it could be that the second DDA didn't have any new activity -- I'm not sure). One thing I haven't tried, is to delete both DDAs from interfacing with Chase, then set up BOTH of them up at the same time. I will report back if that solves the problem.
  • Quicken Francisco
    Quicken Francisco Quicken Windows Subscription Alumni ✭✭✭✭

    Thanks for the update! Another thing to try would be to try in a test file to see if we have a similar issue as well. That way we're able to get a bit more information as well if the attempt in your file doesn't fix it. I'll leave steps down below.

    1. Choose File menu > New Quicken File.

    Advanced Data File Troubleshooting to Correct Problems With Quicken for Windows

    1. Select New Quicken File.

    Advanced Data File Troubleshooting to Correct Problems With Quicken for Windows

    1. Click OK.
    2. In the File name field, enter the name of the new file, then click Save. Use a name like "Test File" to tell it apart from your main file. 

    Advanced Data File Troubleshooting to Correct Problems With Quicken for Windows
    Don't use any of these characters: * ? < > | " : \ / (asterisk, question mark, left and right-angle bracket, pipe, straight quotation marks, colon, BACKSLASH, FORWARD SLASH). Also, don't add the .qdf extension; Quicken does that for you.

    1. Sign in with your Quicken ID. If you are prompted to create a Quicken ID but already have one, click Sign In under the Create Account prompt. 

    Advanced Data File Troubleshooting to Correct Problems With Quicken for Windows

    1. Select to not use Mobile.
    2. Click Add Account to start adding accounts to the new file.

    After adding accounts, see if you are experiencing the same problems in this test file. Once you're able to let us know more we'll see what we can do.


    Quicken Francisco

  • txblush1955
    txblush1955 Quicken Windows Subscription Member
    Please keep this open. I still have not been able to get this to work. I'm trying some different things. It shouldn't be this hard.
  • Quicken_Tyka
    Quicken_Tyka Alumni ✭✭✭✭
    Hello @txblush1955

    Thank you for the response and for letting me know the results of the test, although I apologize that we have been unable to further isolate the cause of the issue.

    At this point, I would recommend contacting support directly for advanced troubleshooting.

    Support has the tools to perform a review of the logs to help locate the cause of the issue to be able to provide additional steps.


    Thank you,

    -Quicken Tyka

This discussion has been closed.