Macys Credit Card Account Vanished

ewingmike Member ✭✭
We could never get on-line update to work with our Macys Credit Card Account and we would enter the occasional transaction manually. This month we had some Macys charges and the Account was missing from our Quicken. We checked hidden accounts, looked at all accounts and nothing. What could have caused this account to disappear without a trace? We are using the latest update for Quicken for Windows


  • Angelo Bione
    Angelo Bione Member ✭✭
    I have had disappearing accounts in the past and thought it was fixed 4 or 5 months ago. Have not had this issue recently.
  • Chris_QPW
    Chris_QPW Member ✭✭✭✭
    Do you use Quicken Mobile/Web?

    That might be the cause.

    As far as disappearing accounts go there have been two reported causes.
    One is where the account is setup to use Express Web Connect, and they recently started changing people over to a new connection method, which caused accounts to be removed.  As far as I know this problem has been fixed.  And shouldn't apply to your case because you say this is a manually transaction account.

    The second has been that syncing to Quicken Mobile/Web has been doing lots of terrible things to data files like deleted accounts, deleted/changed memorized payee lists, changing the reconcile status of transactions, ...

    I don't follow these threads too much because I have given up on this system ever working correctly, but I don't think all of these problems have been fixed.  If you are using Quicken Mobile/Web my suggestion would be to turn it off and restore from a backup to get your account back.

    I just thought of another problem that might also apply.
    When you create a Quicken data file it creates a unique Id that it uses to identify this data file in any sync.  It seems that even with Quicken Mobile/Web sync off there are some things that are synced to the "cloud account".  If you copy your data file the unique Id doesn't change, and Quicken can't tell the difference for this syncing between the two data files.  So even though you might view these as two different data files, the sync won't and can get messed up if you are using both of these files.
    The only way to get a new data file with a new unique Id is using File -> New Quicken File...
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