Update is changing entries and not alerting to a match

Weird issue that started about a week ago. Seems to be limited to the two checking accounts I maintain at community banks. I am on the current release and build for Windows.

If I have entered a transaction into the registry when transaction matches with the bank during the download in some cases the Payee is being changed to what appears to be a bank description. In other cases it is eliminating the transfer account (savings, mortgage). Also, these transactions are auto matching and I am not receiving a "Match" notification in the Downloaded transactions box. Let me try to give a few examples.

1) Checking Account #1 - Low volume account that we use for a rental property. Mortgage payment is due 1st of the month and it was in the register. When I did One Step Update this morning there was not a flag next to this account of any activity, which was odd. I went to the register and the mortgage payment was marked "c" but the description had changed to "Withdrawal Payment On Loan No.xxx" and the split was wiped out.

Nothing was changed in the "inbound" Mortgage liability account, but the transaction (auto) was showing as past due. Almost as if the downloaded transaction had bumped out the auto transaction that was already recorded in the register.

2) Checking account #2 - my primary account. Same issue happening mostly to accounts where there are transfers to another account. Mortgage payments, same issue as above. Payment to a home equity line (same bank), transfer to savings (same bank). Credit Card Payment was not affected nor was a payment to a fitness except they auto accepted the match. This morning there were five match transactions but none of them showed up in the downloaded transactions box.

I first noticed this on Saturday morning when I was reconciling a savings account and there was not a transfer from my paycheck on Friday. I went to the entry for my check deposit and all of the transfer accounts were wiped out. Interestingly, the deducted amount was there and the total was correct but the transaction was a mess.

As noted this just started happening.

Best Answer

  • Quicken Sarah
    Quicken Sarah Alumni ✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓
    Hello All,

    Thank you again for reporting this behavior to the community.  Our teams have implemented a fix for this issue in the latest R30.21 release.

     If you haven't already, please install this release (Help > Check for Updates) and let us know if you continue to experience issues with transactions not matching.

    Thank you,



  • Ps56k2
    Ps56k2 Alumni ✭✭✭✭
    jdivito001 said:  I am on the current release and build for Windows.
    Just to clarify - what version...... Help --> About Quicken

  • jdivito001
    jdivito001 Member ✭✭
    Year 2020
    Version R31.8
  • jdivito001
    jdivito001 Member ✭✭
    Same issue this morning and it is definitely related to account transfer transactions. My payment to my BofA credit card was wiped out of the register and replaced by the "new" transaction as was a payment to another credit card. I do not have auto enter turned on so when I say the transaction was wiped out, it deleted the original transaction entirely. I did update this morning to 31.12 but there was no mention of my issue in the fixed issues list.
  • Kapt. Ken
    Recently when down loading account transactions, Quicken will download, mark as "new match" and label as cleared but no longer removes or overwrite the transaction manually entered prior. Any thoughts?
  • JohnGW9
    JohnGW9 Member ✭✭
    The program continually deletes transfers between accounts from the initiating account at download. Why? The last few updates have made the program very inefficient to use; deleted transfers that mess up both accounts, duplicate entries when downloading so auto reconcile no longer works properly, dropped categories and splits so auto entry no longer works properly. Getting to the point of dumping the program after 15+ years...HELP! Thanks
  • jdivito001
    jdivito001 Member ✭✭
    edited February 2021
    I'm having the same issue and posted below but no thoughts on this issue. Just started happening a week or so ago, but it can cause a real mess. I agree with you that the program has become unreliable. I have been using Quicken since 1995 and it just isn't as stable as it needs to be. Frustrating.

    [removed - self-referencing link]
  • Joe Cz
    Joe Cz Member ✭✭
    I’m having similar issues and split categories are being deleted and become uncategorized. R31.8. I have not updated to the latest release that was put out today. I spent the whole weekend restoring, fixing & backing up. Tried resetting my cloud data several times, sign out & in several times, signed out, deleted cloud file a couple time. Still corrupts when doing a one step update or cloud sync.
  • Just Me and Not Someone Else
    Try going to Edit/Preferences/Downloaded transactions.  Check the settings to see if they are the same as what I've included in the photo.  I believe unchecking the box under After downloading transactions will solve your problem.  
  • BH1980
    BH1980 Member ✭✭
    edited February 2021
  • Tom39
    Tom39 Member ✭✭✭
    Keyword search for others: Downloaded / cleared transactions are not matching entered transactions. Match failure. (17 Feb 2020)

    Using Quicken Deluxe 2020, version R31.12, build

    Somewhere around late 2020/Jan 2021, I noticed the ability of Quicken to make obvious matches had failed.

    See example (attached image) -- the dates match. The amounts match. Both transactions are flagged as a transfer. The payee says "transfer"; Quicken knows it's a transfer.

    Yet in both accounts, Quicken cannot detect it's a match. Quicken fails to see the downloaded transaction is the same as the entered transaction.

    Quicken used to be very good at recognizing matches. Now it's very uncommon that Quicken makes a match at all.

    I did verify this support article:
    It was selected -- Scan downloaded transactions for possible transfers then confirm before entering.

    Is there a hidden setting I'm missing that changed on an update, or did an update break Quicken's matching ability and a fix is coming?
  • Quicken_Tyka
    Quicken_Tyka Alumni ✭✭✭✭
    Hello all,

    Thank you for taking the time to report this issue. We are seeing reports of transactions not matching or transfers not being detected.

    If you have not done so already, please open Quicken and navigate to Help > Report a Problem and report this issue using this form.

    This report will be used to investigate and research this issue further. 

    Thank you,

    -Quicken Tyka

  • Quicken Sarah
    Quicken Sarah Alumni ✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓
    Hello All,

    Thank you again for reporting this behavior to the community.  Our teams have implemented a fix for this issue in the latest R30.21 release.

     If you haven't already, please install this release (Help > Check for Updates) and let us know if you continue to experience issues with transactions not matching.

    Thank you,

This discussion has been closed.