Mark a check Void (Q Mac)

gwpotter Member ✭✭
I wrote a check to cleaner. She lost the check. I want to replace the check & keep a record of it. How do I mark the lost check as "Void" in the register?


  • jacobs
    jacobs SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta
    I have a slightly different approach. Adding some variant of "void" to the Payee name creates a new Payee. If I ever need to look up a voided transaction, I'd rather have it listed with other transactions for the original Payee. And I also want to know how much the voided transaction was originally for. So I…
    • Don't change the Payee name at all
    • Add/Edit the Memo Notes field to show the original transaction amount and reason, such as "VOID: originally $50.00 (Check never received)"
    • Change the Amount to zero
    • No need to change the Category
    If I need to search for this transaction later, searching for the Payee name will find it, as will searching for "void".

    And as RickO says, most of us don't void many checks (I've got 18 over 25+ years), and write many fewer checks now than in days gone by.

    One interesting footnote for any of us who came from Quicken Mac 2007 and earlier: All your Voids are now hard to find, because the importer into modern Quicken Mac stripped out the "VOID" prefix used in Quicken 2007. So if you had a transaction with a Payee named "VOIDPayee" in Quicken 2007, in your current Quicken database it will be just "Payee"; the "void" is gone. (@RickO : I'm curious how you found all your void transactions? A search for Amount=0.00 doesn't work. I couldn't find all my voids until I opened by Quicken 2007 data file and did a Quick Search for Void.) 

    Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 1993
  • jacobs
    jacobs SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta
    RickO said:
    I'd probably add one thing: put VOID in the Action column.
    That's a good idea. Except after switching from Quicken 2007 to modern Quicken Mac, I decided I really didn't need the Action column, so I have it hidden in my registers. ;)
    Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 1993
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