Ford Credit - Unable to reactivate a deactivated Account

3legwolf Member ✭✭
After deactivating my Ford Credit account in an attempt to refresh it, there is no "Online/reactivate" tab in the Edit/Delete option. Also get a CC-501 error when attempting to add the account back as new.

Best Answer

  • Quicken_Tyka
    Quicken_Tyka Alumni ✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓
    Hello @vectormaker

    Thank you for taking the time to visit the Community to post your issue.

    If you are experiencing a CC-501, this error will require contact to support to review of the log files and possible escalation to resolve if the error does not resolve itself.

    When contacting support, be sure to let them know how long you have been receiving this error. 

    Let us know how it goes!

    -Quicken Tyka



  • Quicken Francisco
    Quicken Francisco Alumni ✭✭✭✭

    Hello @3legwolf

    Thank you for reaching out on the community and telling us about your issue. I do apologize for the issue you're having. We are currently experiencing issues with Ford Credit. We're currently working on getting it fixed but I currently don't have an ETA when it will be fixed. I do apologize for any inconvenience this has caused.


    Quicken Francisco

  • rcrossi1
    rcrossi1 Quicken Windows Subscription Member
    It has been a week now, any update on getting issue with Ford Credit fixed? I am having the same issue. I even tried to set up a new account which failed....
  • 3legwolf
    3legwolf Member ✭✭
    I'd also like an answer to the first part of my question. Why is there no "Online" tab so I can reactivate the account I deactivated in trying to fix it?
  • UKR
    UKR SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭

    For whatever it's worth and actual problems with loan company's download services aside ... I would not bother attempting to activate any loan or mortgage account for downloading.  (Not discussing LOC or HELOC accounts here)

    An online-connected loan or mortgage account does NOT have a transaction register. All data shown in the account come from whatever information the bank downloads to you ... if this process works at all.

    As a result of being connected, the scheduled payment transaction reminder cannot transfer the amount of principal paid into the (non existent) account register and must use a category, usually something like Loan:Principal, instead. The category seems to vary with the Loan Type you selected when creating the loan account in Quicken.

    Effective with Quicken Windows 2018+
    you can deactivate an online-connected loan account and regain full control over your transaction register.  However, you should still review the Scheduled Reminder (or Memorized Payee List entry) associated with the monthly loan payments to ensure they now transfer Principal to the loan account register and not to a Category.

  • 3legwolf
    3legwolf Member ✭✭
    Thank you. I'll just do manual entry on the account and not worry about downloading transactions.
  • vectormaker
    vectormaker Member ✭✭
    Would like an update on Ford Credit issues? I had an account working fine until February.
  • Quicken_Tyka
    Quicken_Tyka Alumni ✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓
    Hello @vectormaker

    Thank you for taking the time to visit the Community to post your issue.

    If you are experiencing a CC-501, this error will require contact to support to review of the log files and possible escalation to resolve if the error does not resolve itself.

    When contacting support, be sure to let them know how long you have been receiving this error. 

    Let us know how it goes!

    -Quicken Tyka

  • I am having the same issue with Ford Credit. It began on 17-Feb-2021 (as was evidenced by my last successful download date). So I took the vain attempt to de-activate and re-activate the account. The de-activate works great. However, Ford will not reconnect and gives you a new error of "Unable to connect to the service. Try again in a few minutes."

    Any update from Quicken on resolving the issue with Ford Credit?
  • Quicken_Tyka
    Quicken_Tyka Alumni ✭✭✭✭
    Hello @wynnhall

    Thank you for taking the time to visit the Community to report this issue, although I apologize that you continue to experience this trouble. I would recommend signing out and signing back into the Quicken program. To do this, please follow the steps below. 
    1. Go to Edit > Preferences > Quicken ID & Cloud Accounts 

    2. Click sign in as a different user 

    3. Type "yes" to sign out 

    4. Sign back in using your existing Quicken ID 

    Once this has been completed, please attempt to update once more and let us know the results. 

    -Quicken Tyka 

  • 3legwolf
    3legwolf Member ✭✭
    When trying to add Ford Credit, it still comes back with "The financial institution you are trying to add is NOT YET SUPPORTED".
  • George5
    George5 Member ✭✭
    I am having a similar problem trying to add a new Ford credit account. The error says "Sorry. We've encountered an error. (It's not your fault.)" And below says "Quicken is having trouble connecting to Ford credit." Meanwhile, I am on the Ford credit website looking at my account.
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