Update Changed Backup Preferences to "0"

jimshu1 Member ✭✭✭
I have my "Manual backup reminder" set to remind me after running Quicken "1" time. So, each day when I exit Q, I get the prompt to backup to my chosen location.

During a One-Step update today, I got the prompt that an update was available. I went ahead and installed it. No problems. Upon exiting Quicken later, it just closed. No prompt for a backup. I started it up again and exited. Again, no backup prompt.

I opened Quicken again and checked the backup preference. It was now set to "0". I changed it back to "1" and it worked like I wanted. I have not gone through the dozens of other preference settings yet to see if anything else was changed. Luckily, I keep a Word.docx with screenshots of all of my preference settings.

My point in posting is that this is the first update ever where I knew it changed a preference(s) setting.
Quicken Deluxe for Windows. Latest subscription version. I've been a user for decades.

- Jim S.


  • Monte Bliss
    Monte Bliss Member ✭✭✭
    Yep, same problem. I did notice that in the preferences my manual backup was set to zero even though zero is invalid. Go to Edit>Preferences>Backup>Manual Backup Reminder and reset it back to 1. For me it's working like it always does.
  • Ps56k2
    Ps56k2 Quicken Windows Subscription Alumni ✭✭✭✭
    edited March 2021
    [EDIT] - updated topic title to better reflect actual Q&A -
    and added ZERO reference
  • jimshu1
    jimshu1 Member ✭✭✭
    So, no other preferences were changed? Just the Backup?
    Quicken Deluxe for Windows. Latest subscription version. I've been a user for decades.

    - Jim S.
  • jimshu1
    jimshu1 Member ✭✭✭
    I have verified that no other preference setting was changed. However, I did find that under "Reports and Graphs" that the report toolbar had "Show icons only" selected when my records showed my setting as "Show icons and test".

    It could have just been my error in my Preference.docx.
    Quicken Deluxe for Windows. Latest subscription version. I've been a user for decades.

    - Jim S.
  • groucho43
    groucho43 Member ✭✭
    I totally agree with Jim S. and with all the other Quicken users who have complained about this. Setting the Manual backup reminder option to 5 (or any other number) has no effect. Quicken no longer reminds you to back up your files. This should be rectified in the very next version of Quicken (R32.13 or R33.1). Thanks.
  • Peculiar_Investor
    Peculiar_Investor Member ✭✭✭
    The same problem exists in the Quicken Canadian version. My previous post was split into https://community.quicken.com/discussion/7893892/update-changed-backup-preferences-r32-10-canada and then quickly marked Closed. Not clear why.
  • jimshu1
    jimshu1 Member ✭✭✭
    FYI. It's occurring again with today's update 2/1/22. No details needed. Easy fix.
    Quicken Deluxe for Windows. Latest subscription version. I've been a user for decades.

    - Jim S.
  • Ps56k2
    Ps56k2 Quicken Windows Subscription Alumni ✭✭✭✭
    jimshu1 said: FYI. It's occurring again with today's update 2/1/22. No details needed. Easy fix.
    what version .... Help --> About Quicken
    [EDIT] - also updated topic title and removed the old 2021 R32.xx reference

  • jimshu1
    jimshu1 Member ✭✭✭
    That's why I said no details. It updated on my desktop, changed Backup Preference to "0", but not on my laptop.

    As, we know they stage these releases. I'm on my laptop, so I can't give you the Build.

    Just some feedback, not into troubleshooting this... I guess I need to stop posting these observations. That's all it was.
    Quicken Deluxe for Windows. Latest subscription version. I've been a user for decades.

    - Jim S.
  • Ps56k2
    Ps56k2 Quicken Windows Subscription Alumni ✭✭✭✭
    jimshu1 said:  Just some feedback, not into troubleshooting this...
    Well, there are THREE branches of Quicken releases - R36, R37, R38 -
    So, was wondering which release has now re-created this old problem to share with other forum users...

  • jimshu1
    jimshu1 Member ✭✭✭
    I'm back on my desktop. I'm running Quicken for Windows subscription, v38.26, Build

    This updated on 2/1 and changed the Backup preference setting to "0" for the "1" I use.
    Quicken Deluxe for Windows. Latest subscription version. I've been a user for decades.

    - Jim S.
This discussion has been closed.