My VMFXX security is showing big losses but price is stable at $1?

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I am having issue with this security as my cash in my brokerage account with Vanguard. The balance is ok but the cost of security is other than $1 and therefore showing big loss. The price history going back several years is stable at $1.
I suggest you go to the Security Detail View for the security in question. Then scroll through the Transaction History looking for any transactions that show a Price that is not $1. (You can click on the Price column header to sort the Transaction History so the transactions will be filtered by makes it easier to find where price discrepancies might be.) If you find transactions that show a Price other than $1 you will need to correct the pricing for them. You can double click on those discrepant pricing transactions to bring up the Edit Transaction popup where you can correct the share price.Did this help you fix the loss issue?
Quicken Classic Premier (US) Subscription: R61.20 on Windows 11 Home
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I look at all the transactions all the way to when the brokerage account started in 2014. I can't find any entry where the price is not one dollar. I spent hours scrutinizing it and I can't figure out what is going on. Under portfolio where each security is shown under the brokerage account, the dropdown is still listing lots that were sold long time ago. It also show cost different from the actual cost and when you go to the register and look at the transaction, the price and cost is correct.0
Unfortunately no. It did not help any.0
OK. Being that you are still seeing lots in your account that were sold a long time ago, it's quite possible (probable) that Quicken has entered Placeholders into your register to counterbalance that. Right below your account register screen, do you to see Placeholder Entries (highlighted in yellow here)?If so, click on that to see the Placeholders. Any Placeholders listed will need to be resolved. Usually resolution means adding, deleting or editing transactions BEFORE the Placeholder date so the shares issue(s ) identified is eliminated. In your case you already know that you are still seeing lots that were sold long ago so at a minimum you should be seeing one or more Placeholders dealing with that.If you do not see that Placeholder Entries, go to Edit > Preferences > Investment transactions > make sure the Show hidden transactions box is checked.
Quicken Classic Premier (US) Subscription: R61.20 on Windows 11 Home
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Mikol, check the "Commission" field in your transactions, if you haven't done so already. You can easily do this by running an Investment Transaction report. There might have been an invalid amount inadvertently posted.0