Price history after a stock split

Ploooplooo Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭✭
edited May 2022 in Investing (Mac)
Hi Quicken Community! I'm running Quicken v6.1.1 on a Mac. I own an ETF that split on April 8th. The split was downloaded into the register as an "Add Shares" transaction - fine. But the price history is now wacked in that most of the history is 10x what the price should be. The correct price pre-split was $530 and went to $53 post-split. Now the price since split on 4/8 is fine ($53) but the history has a bunch of prices in the 5000's when it should be in the $500's. See the pics of price screen and value graph. Is this a Quicken problem or my broker?

Thanks in advance!

Best Answer

  • jacobs
    jacobs Quicken Mac Subscription SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta
    Answer ✓
    I may be misunderstanding, but is there a Stock Split transaction in your register? Generally, that should be used rather than Add Shares. 

    But that may not be the cause of the price history data problem. It's hard to know whether the problem is with Quicken's quote provider or your broker. My first advice is to wait a few more days, as it sometimes takes awhile after a stock split for a quote provider to accurately update price histories. The next thing you can do is try deleting dates with bogus prices in the price history table (assuming the problem prices only go back a while and not through all of history). Do they stay gone or do new prices download -- and if are they correct or wrong again. Ultimately, if nothing else works, you can delete and manually add prices, using correct ending prices from an online source, because Quicken will use manually-entered prices over any downloaded prices. 
    Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 1993


  • Ploooplooo
    Ploooplooo Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    I just tried the "Rebuild History" and the result is the same. Security is ONEQ.
  • jacobs
    jacobs Quicken Mac Subscription SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta
    Answer ✓
    I may be misunderstanding, but is there a Stock Split transaction in your register? Generally, that should be used rather than Add Shares. 

    But that may not be the cause of the price history data problem. It's hard to know whether the problem is with Quicken's quote provider or your broker. My first advice is to wait a few more days, as it sometimes takes awhile after a stock split for a quote provider to accurately update price histories. The next thing you can do is try deleting dates with bogus prices in the price history table (assuming the problem prices only go back a while and not through all of history). Do they stay gone or do new prices download -- and if are they correct or wrong again. Ultimately, if nothing else works, you can delete and manually add prices, using correct ending prices from an online source, because Quicken will use manually-entered prices over any downloaded prices. 
    Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 1993
  • Ploooplooo
    Ploooplooo Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    Hi Jacobs, The transaction downloaded into the register as a "Add Shares" and I l left it that way while I looked into the problem. It was obvious there was a problem because of the portfolio value graph and it impacted the entire history back to 2015. Anyway I did as you said and deleted the entire price history, downloaded it from another source and imported it as a csv. I also deleted the Add Shares transactions and reentered as Stock Splits. There's a bug in the system somewhere.

    Thanks for looking at this.
  • jacobs
    jacobs Quicken Mac Subscription SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta
    @Ploooplooo  Just to clarify, after entering the stock split and new price history, is everything now okay in your account?

    As for there being "a bug in the system somewhere", it sounds like there were more than one things wrong, from sources external to Quicken. Your broker downloaded an Add Shares transaction instead of a Stock Split; that's on them, not Quicken. And the incorrect price history could be a function of the broker or Quicken's quote provider; I'm not sure f there's a way o determine where the wrong prices came from.

    In my limited experience with stock splits, they don't always go smoothly in Quicken due to the multiple places data can be wrong, temporarily or permanently. Fortunately, stock splits don't happen too often, and they don't typically take too much manual work to get squared away.
    Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 1993
  • Ploooplooo
    Ploooplooo Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    Sorry, when I referred to a bug in the system I was thinking all the way from the broker through the register. Yes, I agree that Stock Splits are not the easiest to handle from an accounting perspective. The account is fine now, I was just surprised that the entire price history had changed despite the only new transaction was an Add Shares. I am fortunate that I have access to a historical price source otherwise I might have been doing it by hand.
  • jtjbt20x
    jtjbt20x Quicken Mac Other Member ✭✭
    I'm having the exact same problem after the Vanguard splits this week. From where did you download the historical price data?
  • Ploooplooo
    Ploooplooo Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    I have a Bloomberg professional account. It's notable that this happened to you with Vanguard and me Fidelity. So maybe we can conclude that this is a Quicken problem?
  • jtjbt20x
    jtjbt20x Quicken Mac Other Member ✭✭
    The problem could be with Quicken's quote provider, but I think it's something complex within Quicken. When these split transactions were first downloaded yesterday, they showed up as dividends with price zero, but the shares were adjusted correctly. Today, I restored a pre-split backup and after the accounts update, this time the three downloaded transactions showed up as 1:1 stock splits. Two were actually 2:1 and one was 4:1. I edited the transactions to reflect the true split data and the shares were correct, before and after the splits editing.

    I had to get the historical quotes from Yahoo, massage them in Numbers, and then import. Even after I imported the new data for VONG, VONV, and VTWO, and then did the normal updating quotes, some data was changed again during the quote update, so I had to go in and manually edit the prices so the spikes would go away.

    I'm guessing some data will change again in the next few days.
  • jtjbt20x
    jtjbt20x Quicken Mac Other Member ✭✭
    The other annoyance is now my market value is off by about $11k when before it was only off by about 3k.
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