Time to Renew your Subscription - RESTART??

Ron n Round Rock
Ron n Round Rock Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭
Probably awkwardly worded, but in checking at the Quicken website on my subscription, it is offering me to "Restart" my subscription - which makes me think that if I "restart" my subscription before the "official renewal" date, I will lose those days I have already paid for.

I.E. Why isn't it worded to give Quicken permission to re-up my subscription "at and when" my membership expires (or something like that).

Anybody know how the renewal works - will I lose subscription days if I "restart" my subscription prior to the expiration date.

And also, does Quicken have a website any more. Whenever I log in, all I get is the notice, offer to renew my subscription - with pretty much no other options.

ron in shawnee


  • Chris_QPW
    Chris_QPW Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭
    I think it might just be terrible wording or bad coding that gives a "false message".
    From what I understand is if you are within 6 months of expiring then you are "extending" the subscription.
    If there is more time before the subscription expires you can't extend the subscription.

    One would "expect" that they would use terms like "restart" for subscriptions that have lapsed, "extend" for ones within that 6 month period, and "upgrade/downgrade" for the other periods, but it doesn't seem like they are using "logical terms".

    Here is mine:

    "Resuming" a subscription that has 10 months to go?
    That of course make no more sense than your "Restart" subscription that hasn't yet lapsed.

    So basically this isn't any kind of answer, just a comment on how stupid these terms they are using are.

    And as for having these big "blocks" in sections like this:

    Well I bet some marketing person thought it was better.  I guess they figure people are doing this on a phone and they need huge buttons to that the press the right one.
    This is my website: http://www.quicknperlwiz.com/
  • Ron n Round Rock
    Ron n Round Rock Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭

    Thanks for the update & supporting opinion. I was just hoping Quicken would maybe see the post and consider re-wording their subscription language.

    And thanks for the screen shot - I am seeing the same thing, only for the Deluxe. And speaking of such, maybe it is buried in there, but I also didn't see anything about upgrading my subscription - and of course, there is that funny thing about not being able to even get to their website because of the subscription stuff (can't even seem to get past that).

    Not a terribly big deal as I have another 10 days on my current subscription - so will probably just wait until next week before I renew, restart or whatever - and maybe ask for comments of ask for my opinion.

    But appreciate your time. Thanks again

    ron, now in shawnee
  • Chris_QPW
    Chris_QPW Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭
    I don't think you are missing anything in the Quicken account as far as upgrading, it just isn't there (which is another thing that kind wonky).

    If you go to Help at the bottom there some menu items about adding features, all of them (one for every edition higher than the one you have) lead to this web page.

    This is my website: http://www.quicknperlwiz.com/
  • Ron n Round Rock
    Ron n Round Rock Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    OK Chris, thanks.

    No, I wasn't wanting to upgrade - very happy with the Deluxe - just thought it was interesting that they didn't seem to be pushing an upgrade along with the subscription notices.

    ron in shawnee
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