Consolidated view or report showing all accounts holding a particular security?

Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
:# Is there a consolidated view or report showing all accounts holding a particular security?
Best Answer
To be more specific, you would go to Investing > Portfolio then click on Customize. On the Securities tab, pick just the security you are interested in and on the Accounts tab click on Select all.
Click OK to accept the customization.
Then next to Group by select Accounts and you will see all the accounts that hold that security.QWin Premier subscription1
Not a predefined one but you can either customize the Portfolio Value report to show just one security from all accounts that it is in or you can set up a customized view on the portfolio tab to do the same
Quicken Windows user since 1993.
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To be more specific, you would go to Investing > Portfolio then click on Customize. On the Securities tab, pick just the security you are interested in and on the Accounts tab click on Select all.
Click OK to accept the customization.
Then next to Group by select Accounts and you will see all the accounts that hold that security.QWin Premier subscription1 -
@MrQRav - You can run a Investment Performance Report and I think it will get you the closest thing to a "Holders List" that you are looking for. Subtotal the report by Account and you will probably need to play with the date range, depending on the activity of your securities. This is not perfect but it gets you most of the way there.
You can also run a Portfolio Value Report subtotaled by Account. You can export it to Excel and resort it to get an Account list by Security.1 -
Another way is to run the security list using Ctl Y. Pick the security of interest to open the security detail view. On that page click the button Security .report in the upper right hand corner, and then group by account when it opens.
Quicken Business & Personal Subscription, Windows 11 Pro