When will a more complete investment report section be available? (Q Mac)

Quicken Mac Subscription Member
A question posted in September 2020 asked about the lack of a Reinvest Dividend report category, considering that Reinvest Long-term Capital Gain and Reinvest Short-term Capital Gain categories are already available. Whoever answered the question curiously chose to criticize the questioned need for a Reinvest Dividend report category. He or she might have just as well criticized the current Quicken for Mac report capability for including the Reinvest Long-term Capital Gain and Reinvest Short-term Capital Gain categories!
While I found the critique of the need for a Reinvest Dividend report category odd, I was intrigued by the reference to work being done on a more robust investment report section. Is there any known timetable for the release of a more complete investment report section for Quicken for Mac?
While I found the critique of the need for a Reinvest Dividend report category odd, I was intrigued by the reference to work being done on a more robust investment report section. Is there any known timetable for the release of a more complete investment report section for Quicken for Mac?
The answer is that no one except the developers know, and they don't say.
The hope is that as they have developed a fairly robust set of features for reports, at some point they will create the ability to create and save stored investment reports. My sense from one or two comments awhile back from either the moderators or the Quicken Mac product manager was that perhaps they thought this wasn't much of a need since it's possible to create and print reports from the Portfolio view. That, of course, misses the point that one has to configure the filters, search, and settings every time you want an investment report, and that there aren't specific purpose-built reports like capital gains, investment income, etc. (A report specifically for just reinvested dividends, separate from dividends paid, or reinvested capital gains, does seem like an unusually narrow need, but hopefully if they build a user interface for investment report selection criteria, that could be one of the options.) But investment accounts in Quicken are different creatures from banking accounts, so building these reports is likely not as simple as it might seem.
Unfortunately, there's no way to know where this ranks on the developers' roadmap. Beta testers are sometime surveyed about what features we think they should be working on, and the last one I saw had investment reports among at least 50 other features to vote for on the list -- and it wasn't nearly a comprehensive list of all the things users request on this site.
There are a few existing Idea posts on this site which users can vote for, and they haven't a decent but not massive number of votes. This is the number one way we users have to lobby the developers for new features, so if you're interested in robust investment reports, take a few seconds to vote, and add a comment if you want, to one or more of these topics:
Portfolio report for Q Mac
Investment Performance Report for Quicken MAC?
Asset Allocation Reports for Quicken Mac (as on Quicken 2007/Windows)
Click on the links and add your votes (click the little gray arrow in the yellow box under the first post of each thread).Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 19930
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