checking account problems

Quicken Windows Other Member
I need help! My checking account register used to show the last 5 digits of the check # then the payee/amount and category. Now it only enters the last 4 digits of the check and in the payee box it repeats the check # twice & will not categorize. I have been on the phone with Bank Of America & Quicken and both are pointing the finger at each other.
Any ideas? I have used Quicken for 20 years and never had this problem.
Any ideas? I have used Quicken for 20 years and never had this problem.
I take it that you're not entering checks manually - where all elements of the transaction are in your control - but instead populating your checking Account register with downloads from the bank?My BofA credit card uses Direct Connect as the download method - what is the download method on your BofA checking Account?If the method is Direct Connect then that a least suggests that BofA is at fault since the schema for sending information to Quicken is very strict and if BofA is sending erroneous information there's not much Quicken (the program) can do about it but accept the bad information. However, I'd be surprised if BofA messed up here.If the method is Express Web Connect then either party, or both, could be at fault. Express Web Connect is not as tightly controlled as Direct Connect and depends on certain information being at a certain place in order to pick it up and if the financial institution moves some information without alerting Quicken then things start to fall apart. On the other hand, Quicken has to construct their end of the pipeline specifically for each financial institution and errors can get in if something is wrong at Quicken's end.What method of downloading is being used here?0