stock price changes on Reconcile

AnnT Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
This has been going on for a while (over 2 years using Q2017 & Q subscription).... When I Reconcile my investment account Quicken & my statement may be off a little. As I go through my statement & correct a stock price, another stock price may change.
Today the end totals were off a little, as I went thru & edited one stock price, all of a sudden the end totals were way off & one stock price was drastically different from the statement. I changed that one to the correct price & another one jumped in value. Often I have to go through my statement 3 times until they match & all prices are correct. What gives?? I 'tick' them off, so I know my original checking is correct.


  • Jim_Harman
    Jim_Harman Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    The most important numbers when reconciling an investing account are the number of shares you hold of each security. That times the price per share = the market value.

    So the first step is to make sure your share counts match those on the statement.

    I am not sure what you mean by one price affecting another.

    When you say you correct a stock price, are you changing the quote aka price per share? If you see significant differences between Quicken and your statement, make sure Quicken has prices for the statement date. You can do this by clicking on Holdings in the account and setting the As of date to the statement date. If there is no little clock to the left of the price quote, then the price should match the price on the statement. If there is a clock icon, you can hover your mouse over it and see the most recent previous quote's date. If the last update was less than 30 days ago and the security is publicly traded, you can download daily prices by clicking on Get Historical prices. 

    If the downloaded prices still do not match those on your statement, please post back and we can help further.
    QWin Premier subscription
  • Jim_Harman
    Jim_Harman Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    It is also possible you have mixed-up ticker symbols or other mismatches for some of your securities. Check to make sure the symbols in Quicken match those on your statement. For example one fund may have acquired another or there was a share class conversion and the ticker is still reflecting the old security.
    QWin Premier subscription
  • AnnT
    AnnT Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    Thanks for getting back so quickly.
    I update/download my Quicken account daily, so all price per shares should be up to date. I only have one investment that does not download daily & I must adjust it when I reconcile with my paper statement.
    My share amounts are definitely correct (I do double-check that if the individual investment total does not match my end of the month statement). I also verify the ticker. I am also aware when funds split/merge/spin-off.... and that is another pain-in-the-neck reconcile month.
    My usual stock price that is off does have the little clock beside it. After I corrected it I noticed a huge difference in the total & saw that another price/share was almost double what it should have been.
    I should get my May statement shortly & will compare (& tick) all prices/shares before I adjust that one investment to give you more exact detail.... I was hoping that you were aware of the issue & would have a solution for me. :)
    I'll give more detail in a few days.
  • Jim_Harman
    Jim_Harman Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    Another thing you might try would be to back up your data, then go to File > File Operations > Validate and repair with the Validate file and Correct Investing price history options set and see if that fixes it.

    Sometimes the pricing data can get scrambled.
    QWin Premier subscription
  • AnnT
    AnnT Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    Running "Validate" now, I'll update when I receive/reconcile with my May statement in the next few days.
  • AnnT
    AnnT Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    Nope, same issue.....
    On my 1st review all investment values were correct (shares & price/sh=value) except for the one I must update manually at my first check-off.
    On my 2nd review just as was hitting the down arrow to the investment("I") I needed to update, Quicken ran the "Refreshing Quicken Data" & the "I" that I need to update automatically had duplicated the price/share to the same as the one above it ($3.53). I corrected it. All seemed good.
    BUT May 28th is a Fri & May 31st was Memorial Day & stock prices should be the same. My Statement is as of May 31 (not May 28)
    On my 3rd review another price/share was off about 9 items below where the "Refreshing Q Data" issue happened earlier, this stock (that was correct before) was now off a few dollars/cents, I corrected the price/share, it didn't take it, but changed the price/sh to the $3.53 like the other "I" price. I corrected it & as I went down further, the "Refreshing" ran again & I noticed that my grand total was now $100,000 over my statement value (nice, but I know that wasn't correct).
    Not knowing where this issue was now, I started over again....
    On my 4th review I noticed that the #3 review stock was not correct, nor the $3.53, but now $249.60-the same value as another stock in my portfolio. I corrected it & BINGO the register & my statement matched.
    I have opened & closed the register & changed dates numerous time in the Holdings/Account Overview and all seems to hold the correct price/sh.
    ANY ideas on what the problem could be?? I really don't want to have to Review my monthly acct/statement 4 times. MAYBE it's just a month that the last day of price/sh is not the 30/31st of the month??
    I will report back after I reconcile each monthly statement until this is figured out.
    thanks for trying to figure this out with me.