Chnaged password at Regions bank but update will not accept stating bank can not use password. Fix?

Joseph Conkle
Joseph Conkle Member ✭✭
Regions bank now requires a special character in passwords. Since I changed to accommodate their need, Quicken will not download giving me a message the bank can not accept the new password Can you suggest a fix for this?


  • Tom Young
    Tom Young Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    Quicken can only accept a few special characters in passwords, as explained here:
    Sounds like this might be the problem here.
  • Joseph Conkle
    Joseph Conkle Member ✭✭
    Need to find out which special characters both Regions and Quicken will accept
  • cbowji
    cbowji Member ✭✭

    Regions now requires a "special character" in the password. Quicken has not allowed me to "onestep update" since I added a special character to the Regions bank password. I have tried all the following, and Quicken tells me "Regions bank could not use the password you entered." This is not a true statement; I can login to Regions with my new password. So I tried a lot of "special characters," and Quicken would not accept any of the following: ' . # @ : ? $ / ) Anyone know how I can resolve this? Thank you. (If I use my old Regions password with no special character, then quicken accepts it. But of course now Regions bank won't allow me to use a password without a special character.) using Quicken Home Business & Rental Property VR47.15 windows 10

  • cbowji
    cbowji Member ✭✭

    Regions Bank "helpdesk" solved this for me. I had to clear my cache and cookies, then the new password with special character, a period, did work in Quicken. I guess I should have known about this fix by now, but I didn't. Always a mystery, lol

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