How to eliminate incorrect Balancing Cash Adjustments for security purchases that Quicken entered?

Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
For a series of initial security purchases in a new investment account, instead of drawing down the cash balance, Quicken entered Balancing Cash Adjustments for security purchases that should have come out of the cash balance in the account. When I try to delete the adjustments, the purchase is also deleted. Then a placeholder transactions appears to account for the deleted shares. When I try to update history in the placeholder transaction, Quicken puts in the balancing cash adjustment again.
Best Answer
Delete the Placeholder first, then you will be able to get rid of the balancing cash adjustmentsQWin Premier subscription2
Delete the Placeholder first, then you will be able to get rid of the balancing cash adjustmentsQWin Premier subscription2
Thanks. That worked!1