Y12 Federal Credit Union

Connecting Fine but nothing is downloading, if I reset my account, it will work but downloads all account transactions duplicating some, and not others.. Thought my file was corrupted so started over with new file, no old transactions. Same issue. Connect fine, no downloaded transactions. Not been able to download seamlessly for months.


  • Boatnmaniac
    Boatnmaniac Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited July 2021
    During the Reset and Deactivate/Reactivate processes, Quicken will sometimes download duplicate transactions of what is already entered into the account register.  This most often happens when setting up a manual account for downloads and when something in the Financial Institution (FI) information that has been attached to the Quicken account has changed (such as, a name change or account number change or routing number...a change with even a single character can cause this).  When this happens it is not an indication of a corrupted data file.  It is simply that Quicken thinks it is a new account in Quicken instead of one that had been previously set up and linked.
    When duplicate transactions are downloaded it often covers the last 90 days but since the FIs control how far back they will download transactions the duplicates downloaded could be more or less than 90 days.
    When this happens the duplicate transactions need to be manually deleted.
    This should be just a 1X occurrence and downloads should occur smoothly in the future.
    Have you tried manually deleting the duplicates and then doing OSU or Update Now on the account to see if it continues to work properly?

    Quicken Classic Premier (US) Subscription: R59.10 on Windows 11

  • sewellsd
    sewellsd Quicken Windows Other Member
    Yes, I have looked at all the other posts and answers. When I last reset the account and what you described happened, I waited a couple days to let some transactions to hit and tried to download, nothing. I then went in to preferences and deselected auto download register transactions. Still nothing. I am baffled.