Asset allocation report for combined accounts

Quicken Mac 2017 Member
How do I get an asset allocation graph or report for combined accounts
That's a surprisingly tricky question!
Until recently, the only asset allocation was what you could see in the Portfolio view. Select in the sidebar one account, Brokerage or Retirement accounts, or Investing for all accounts. Set the filters to "Portfolio Value" and "Group by Asset Class". You can print this as a report.
In version 6.3, Quicken introduced the Dashboard and its own asset allocation panel. In this view, Quicken is pulling in a drill-down breakdown of each security from their third-party data supplier (perhaps Morningstar?). This is a good thing. Most of my mutual funds aren't 100% one asset class, so having Quicken correctly calculate them is a good step forward. So if you have a mutual fund or ETF which is 60% large caps stocks, 36% domestic bonds and 4% small cap stocks, instead of using whatever asset class you assigned for the security, Quicken is applying those percentages to your holdings in that fund. (From my understanding, going forward, every security which Quicken gets data for could be called "Asset Mixture", and it will correctly allocate the proper dollar amounts to the proper categories. The only reason you'd want to assign asset classes is for private securities or international securities for which Quicken can't download information.) You cannot print the Dashboard; the best you can do is take a screenshot of the asset allocation.
Unfortunately, with the 6.3 release, we're in an in-between state where the Dashboard asset allocation is doing the calculation based on the makeup of each security, but the Portfolio asset allocation is using just the asset class in each security's setup screen. Many securities are counting only as "Asset Mixture," without the drill-down to the makeup of the security's holdings. The product manager has said they will change this in a future release so Portfolio is calculated the same as the Dashboard is now. For now, though, we have to live with the Portfolio view asset allocations not being very useful.
Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 19930
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