Investment Transactions. What's the difference between xout, writechk, and withdraw?

Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
When transferring money from an investment [brokerage] account to a bank [checking] account, is the accounting and/or reporting handled differently for these 3 transaction types?
xout (transferred cash out)
writechk (write check)
withdraw (make a withdrawal)
xout (transferred cash out)
writechk (write check)
withdraw (make a withdrawal)
There can be some subtleties with regard to Payees, but fundamentally, I don't know of any real differences among the three.0
That accounting entry would be exactly the same using any of the Actions you've listed.There are small programmatic subtleties associated with each action, e.g., selecting WriteChk creates a "Num" box to be filled in, XOut limits the Categories shown to only other Accounts, and so forth, but which one you choose is a matter of personal style. though it probably should mimic the "real world" transaction.0
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