I opened this account to use it, for now, like a checking account, with bill-pay, ATM, etc. It is NOT linked to any kind of Fidelity brokerage account, though I do receive a pension administered by FidelityNetBenefits, which will be deposited into this account every month. I have added the CMA in Quicken and successfully downloaded the opening transactions. Fidelity offers tips for managing the account in Quicken by checking a box in Account Details "Show cash in a checking account," which apparently pertains only to Windows and not Mac. I searched this forum and did not see a workaround for Mac other than to configure the register so it looks like a checking account. However, this doesn't seem to work for manually entering new transactions that will happen in the future and are not yet reflected on Fidelity's end. It the Transaction register, when I click "new", I get a securities transaction dialog that doesn't let me enter data according to my register configuration (see attachment). Please share any tips on how to manage this like the checking account that it represents to me.