Can no longer classify scheduled income as type "income" only "bill" after 6.4.4 upgrade

Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭✭
On my Bills & Income page, Income tab I have paychecks that I scheduled before the 6.4.4 upgrade. Now when I go to "Edit all instances", the Type: now defaults to Bill. I can change it back to "Income" and save, but it doesn't stick. This causes any changes to the net income to be a negative amount instead of a positive amount. So I can't edit it at all unless I'm willing to deal with scheduled negative income. Please fix.
Hello @Blake,
Thank you for reaching out to Quicken Community. We apologize you are having this issue. To obtain a better understanding of the issue could you restore a backup and let us know if the issue is also present there? If so, you can also submit a bug report through Quicken by selecting Help >Report a problem. Again we do apologize for the inconvenience this issue has caused.
When you have a moment, please attempt to restore a backup and provide further details.
-Quicken Paloma0 -
I tried a month old backup and I run into the same issue. I've submitted a bug as directed.
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Hello, @Blake,
Thanks for the update!
I was curious how you feel about deleting and re-adding your income reminders. If you are open to trying it out, go ahead and delete one of them. Then create it again like new, and let us know if this fixes the issue for that reminder. If it does resolve the issue, of course, you can then go and do the same for the others.
Quicken Alyssa0 -
I've deleted and recreated one of the two scheduled income entries. After recreation it reverts to a Bill again, and I can't save it as income.0
Hello again, @Blake,
Thank you for giving that a try, although I am sorry that didn't resolve the issue.
I was unable to recreate this issue in my own Quicken software with new or preexisting income reminders. I do have something else I'd like to try. I would like you to try opening a new file and see if you experience the same behavior there. I am going to give you steps on how to export your current data out of the file you are in now, and into a new one. This should save you some time once you are in the new file. Don't worry, this will not affect your original file in any way.
To do this you will;
1. Click on File.
2. Click on Export.
3. Select Quicken Transfer File (QXF).
4. Click on Save.
Now that you have successfully exported your data, you can create a new file to import it into.
To do this;
1. Go Back up to File.
2. Click New.
3. Select Start from scratch and click Next.
4. Choose Don't use mobile & web and click Next.
Once you are in your new file you can import your data.
To do this;
1. Click on File.
2. Select Import.
3. Choose Quicken Windows File (QDF, QXF).
4. Select the file we just created.
All of your accounts will populate and from here you can try adding the income reminders that you were having issues with. Let me know how it goes!
Quicken Alyssa0 -
Hello Again. I was able to recreate the bug in a brand new fresh quicken file.1) Create a Checking Account2) Create a scheduled Income item, Uncategorized, No Splits3) Change the scheduled income, add a Split, and Save.4) Go back into the scheduled income item, and the type is now Bill instead of Income. Change it to Income, and save.. and it still stays as a Bill.See attached for my test file, it's very small:
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Hello again, @Blake,
I did open the file that you provided. I am confused, when I open the file everything looks as I would expect it to. Below are screenshots of the file exactly as it opened.
As you can see, in the picture above, the reminder does show under income. In the picture below, I just clicked on the first transaction to open it up, and it also shows as an income/deposit there.
This is the process I took in your test file to try and recreate your steps. EDIT the income reminder by ADDING splits.
Save and it's still an Income and still in the register as such.
If you use an expense category in the split that could affect it, but in that case, you would need to create a new category or just remove the minus sign(-) in front of the amount.
If you are using income categories, or this is not what the test file looks like in your own Quicken, please uninstall and reinstall your software.
Quicken Alyssa0 -
Click the three dots on "Income Job 2" and select "Edit all instances". You'll see that the type is "Bill".If you then delete the split and save, the type will change to "income". Add a split and the type will change back to "bill"1
I recorded a video showing the bug. See link below:1
Hello @Blake,
I was able to recreate this on my end as well with your help, so thank you for that!
I went ahead and submitted an internal Bug Report on the issue. Hopefully, our developers will be able to address this issue soon. We appreciate you taking the time to bring this to our attention! If you have any other questions or concerns, don't hesitate to reach out!
Quicken Alyssa
(CTP-2894)2 -
Yay! Thank you
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I just checked my monthly pension payment & it's doing the same thing - the Transaction Details window has "Bill" in the Type field and if I change it to "Income" it reverts back to "Bill" the next time I open that window. It seems to be purely a cosmetic issue though, in every other respect Quicken is treating this like a deposit & not a withdrawal (I don't think I would have even noticed if not for reading this thread).
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It isn't cosmetic for me. When I go to edit one of my splits it treats the whole transaction as a negative total instead of positive.
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That will be a problem for me in a couple months. I normally don't have to edit that transaction but they always tweak the tax withholding at the beginning of the year so I'll need to edit it in January.
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Can I get and update on the progress of the Internal Bug Report? Thank you
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Blake said:Can I get and update on the progress of the Internal Bug Report? Thank youQuicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 19930
@Quicken Alyssa Can you please check on the status of CTP-2894 and if it's been fixed for the next release?
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jacobs said:Blake said:Can I get and update on the progress of the Internal Bug Report? Thank youBlake said:@Quicken Alyssa Can you please check on the status of CTP-2894 and if it's been fixed for the next release?
I just checked the status of CTP-2894 and the ticket is still in progress with no ETA for when a fix will be available, I apologize.
Sarah0 -
Thank you @Quicken Alyssa. Wow, this is a serious bug. I'm surprised it's not getting higher priority.Quicken users can NO LONGER schedule income bills with splits.Can you somehow raise the awareness of this issue?0
[deleted duplicate post because of site error]Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 19930
@Blake I just went back to replicate the original issue, but I did it from the checking account register to see if that mattered.
I created a new $500 income transaction with no split and saved it. I then scheduled it as a recurring transaction. I then double-clicked on the transaction to edit it, and selected Edit All Instances from the blue drop-down menu. I added a split line, with a $100 deduction, leaving the transaction amount at $500 (so now income split of +$600, deduction split of -$100). After saving, the transaction still shows in the register as a $500 deposit for future instances. This is correct.
I then double-clicked the transaction to edit it again. I noted that the recurring transaction type now shows Bill rather than Income, the same as you showed. This time, I edited the transaction amount to $450, with $500 income and a $50 deduction, and saved. The transaction in the register changed, as I'd expect, to a $450 deposit for all instances. Everything looks correct in the register.
I then marked the first two transactions in the sequence as "Deposited", and ran a transaction report for the time period they cover. Everything was correct on the report: two $500 personal income transactions, and two $50 tax deductions, for a net total of $900.
So as far as I can see, the only issue is that Quicken is labeling the transaction as Bill instead of Income on the scheduling Transaction Details screen. But all the amounts are correct and I can edit anything I want. So for me, the issue on the Transaction Details screen is purely cosmetic, as it does not affect my ability to edit scheduled income transactions with split lines.
Now I clicked on the Bills & Income screen. (I actually prefer to do most of my work in my registers, so I don't typically come to this screen often.) When I click on the Bills tab, this transaction is not present; when I click on the Income tab, it is present -- exactly as we'd want it to be. I clicked on the three dots for Edit All Instances, and changed the Personal Income to $525 and the tax deduction to -$75, and clicked Save. I then marked the next instance as deposited. As I would hope, the deposit was for $450, with $525 in income and $75 in taxes.
Now I clicked the three dots to edit again, and this time added a new split: a deduction for state taxes of -$12.50, and in order to leave the transaction amount the same, I increased the personal income by $12.50 to $537.50. Again, I saved, makes the next instance as Deposited, and verified in my report that all the categories and amounts are correct.
So I'm not quite sure I understand where a major problem lies, nor why you can't schedule income with splits. I definitely agree that Quicken should not be changing the label of the transaction from Income to Bill on the Transaction Details screen -- that's definitely a bug. But unless I'm not seeing something you are, this seems to me to be mostly a cosmetic problem. After editing the transaction, even though it is labeled as Bill on the Transaction Details Screen, it remains on the Income tab of the Bills & Income screen.
But doing one additional test moves this from cosmetic to a functional bug. Fortunately, it's easy to work around.
In my examples above, I adjusted the split amounts only on the splits screen; in the instances I was affecting the transaction total, I deleted the remainder split and accepted Quicken's warning that saving the transaction would change the transaction amount. And everything worked as expected.
But if you edit the transaction amount first on the main Transaction Details screen, because this screen thinks the transaction is a Bill, when you click to view the splits screen, you find that Quicken has flipped the sign on the transaction amount. For instance, if I edit the Amount field to be $600, then click on splits, I can see that the transaction total at the top of the splits is -$600 (because bills have a negative amount) instead of +$600. the good news is that there are two ways to work around this:- Don't edit the amount on the main screen; only edit the splits, and let Quicken recalculate the total transaction amount if it has changed. Or…
- Change "Bill" to "Income" before you edit the transaction amount. We know it won't stick, but it will affect the editing of the transaction at this moment. So now, when you change the amount field to $600 and click on splits, you'll see that the transaction total at the top of the splits is +$600, not -$600.
Check it out and see if you agree that you can, in fact edit your scheduled income transactions. While the bug definitely needs to be fixed, it's not as major a problem as you thought, because you can make it work correctly once you're aware there's a problem you need to work around.
Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 19930 -
@jacobs What an excellent writeup. Thank you for taking the time to investigate this.Your #2 workaround did exactly as you say! That is awesome... I'm finally able to edit my splits without the totals flipping + to -. @Jon can you take a look at this writeup as well and see if its what you are seeing as well?I think your writeup will help with the bug fix, as I think you spelled out the somewhat cosmetic issues very clearly.-Blake0
@jacobs What an excellent write up. Thank you for taking the time to investigate this.Your #2 workaround did exactly as you say! That is awesome... I'm finally able to edit my splits without the totals flipping + to -. @Jon can you take a look at this write-up as well and see if its what you are seeing as well?I think your write-up will help with the bug fix, as I think you spelled out the somewhat cosmetic issues very clearly.-Blake0
Appears this is fixed in 6.5.0. Thank You!
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