Capital One 360 keeps asking me to authorize account

jmgoryeb Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
I've been having probs with this for almost a month now. Cap One says it's a known problem but can't give me an ETA. I've tried everything they and Quicken support has asked me to do but haven't been able to download transactions in two accounts and a credit card for awhile. Anyone know anything further?


  • Sherlock
    Sherlock Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭
    If you haven't already, you may want to review: ONGOING 11/10/21 Capital One CC-901/501 or Prompt to Re-Authorize Accounts
  • J Smith
    J Smith Member ✭✭✭
    I thought I would share my experience with the CapOne CC-901 error in the hopes that it might help. I have only a CapOne credit card account and it holds only a 0% interest balance on which I make one payment per month. Last payment was 11/3 and One Step Update matched data sent by CapOne to a Register entry without a problem. After that date, I believe I updated to the latest Quicken Windows version. I only started getting the CC-901 error Tues or Wed this week. Each day, I would go through the re-authorization process and get a positive confirmation on my Quicken screen and notice of authorization from CapOne in an email. After 3 days of this, I come here and find that this problem has been going on for a month.

    Having more time today, I read through the guidance and tried the deactivate/activate step. It didn't work and I tried it 4 times. I got the unsuccessful message in Quicken yet I later found 4 email messages from CapOne that authorization was given.

    I reported my issue to Quicken support using CTP-2853 in the subject line and sent all the log files that were pre-checked.
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