Income/Expense reports (Q Mac)

Pablog Member ✭✭
edited 2021 24 in Reports (Mac)
In my old Quicken I could easily run Income/Expense reports in many formats to my heart's content. Your current setups in Reports does not accommodate this. even though all my categories are classified as one or the other. How tough would it be to add a selection button to the Category list to select "Income only" and "Expense only"? I would also like to be able to run the old Income/Expense report for any time period I choose.


  • jacobs
    jacobs Quicken Mac Subscription SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta
    First, be aware of that you are not talking to Quicken management here; this forum is primarily a user to user support forum.

    Now to your issue… If you create a Category Summary report, the resulting report contains all your income categories, totaled, followed by all your expense categories, totaled.

    If that doesn’t work for you, and you really need a separate report for income and a separate report for expenses, you can create those in the report set up. You are correct that there is not a selection button in the category window for “All income“ or “all expenses“, but you can select None and then manually check all your income categories, or, for an expense report, select All and then deselect the income categories. It takes a few minutes to set up, but once you have the reports saved you’re all set.

    Finally, you can set these reports – and all reports — to any time period you wish.

    P.S. I agree that it would be useful for them to add Income and Expenses selection choices in the Categories tab of the report set up. I am just explaining how you can achieve that result absent those selection options.
    Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 1993
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