Monthly Transactions by Category (Q Mac)

Chfrat160 Quicken Mac 2017 Member ✭✭
edited November 2021 in Reports (Mac)
I need a report like the Transactions by Category report but I need to have a column for each month. I am only looking at income accounts so the number of transactions shouldn't be overly consuming, but would like to have it broken out into monthly columns. Any ideas?


  • Chfrat160
    Chfrat160 Quicken Mac 2017 Member ✭✭
    Mac Version: 11.2.3
  • Chfrat160
    Chfrat160 Quicken Mac 2017 Member ✭✭
    Sorry, the Deluxe Version of Quicken for Mac
  • Chfrat160
    Chfrat160 Quicken Mac 2017 Member ✭✭
    But that will not give me the itemization of details in each category. I only have 3 income categories which have multiple entries in each category each month. I would like the category total and then the details of the Payor (source of income) to fall below the category total. Hope that makes sense.
    For example (but in column form), Store Income broken into monthly columns with details of the source of income such as Paychecks with an itemization of that month's entries, Draws with an itemization of that month's entries. Quicken might not be that detailed. I don't know.
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