401k Contributions for Spouse Employer being categorized as Personal Employer Contributions

Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
I have setup paychecks for my Spouse's employer, which includes a 401k deduction, as well as an employer match. When I enter my spouse's employer's matching contributions, they appear under my employer's "_401EmployerContrib" category. Is there a way to manually adjust these employer contributions? Is there a reason why they are showing up as my own contributions?
Best Answers
Hi @f_stopblues
The most likely cause of the problem you describe would be "user error". It is possible that when you first setup the categorization of your spouse's paycheck, you may have used your "_401EmployerContrib" category rather than a new category for your spouse. However you should be able to easily correct the past paycheck transactions by editing each to change that one deduction. And going forward, if you edit/correct the memorized transaction as well, that should fix future transactions.
FrankxQuicken Home, Business & Rental Property - Windows 10-Home Version
- - - - Quicken User since 1984 - - -
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If you used the Paycheck Wizard to set up your spouse's paycheck reminder: The Paycheck Wizard defaults to your paycheck but it gives the option to select and set up a spouse's paycheck. If you select the option of setting up a spouse's paycheck then every category for wages, deductions, 401k contributions, etc., should show up in reports and in Tax Planner under "spouse" categories/subcategories. But if you did not select the spouse's paycheck option then all of these things will show up under categories for you.To fix this:
- For
paychecks that are already entered: You could edit
the category splits for each paycheck transaction to select the categories that are specifically for the spouse. For instance, your 401k employer contributions has the category of _401EmployerContrib but for your spouse it would be _401EmployerContribSpouse.
(If you don't want to do this, then you can delete the already entered
paychecks and go to #2 making sure to select a start date in the past so
you can re-enter the paychecks that were deleted.)
- For your
future Paycheck Reminders: Delete the recurring reminder and set up a
new one making sure to select the spouse's paycheck option.
Quicken Classic Premier (US) Subscription: R61.20 on Windows 11 Home
0 - For
paychecks that are already entered: You could edit
the category splits for each paycheck transaction to select the categories that are specifically for the spouse. For instance, your 401k employer contributions has the category of _401EmployerContrib but for your spouse it would be _401EmployerContribSpouse.
(If you don't want to do this, then you can delete the already entered
paychecks and go to #2 making sure to select a start date in the past so
you can re-enter the paychecks that were deleted.)
Hi @f_stopblues
The most likely cause of the problem you describe would be "user error". It is possible that when you first setup the categorization of your spouse's paycheck, you may have used your "_401EmployerContrib" category rather than a new category for your spouse. However you should be able to easily correct the past paycheck transactions by editing each to change that one deduction. And going forward, if you edit/correct the memorized transaction as well, that should fix future transactions.
FrankxQuicken Home, Business & Rental Property - Windows 10-Home Version
- - - - Quicken User since 1984 - - -
- If you find this reply helpful, please click "Helpful" (below), so others will know! Thank you. -0 -
If you used the Paycheck Wizard to set up your spouse's paycheck reminder: The Paycheck Wizard defaults to your paycheck but it gives the option to select and set up a spouse's paycheck. If you select the option of setting up a spouse's paycheck then every category for wages, deductions, 401k contributions, etc., should show up in reports and in Tax Planner under "spouse" categories/subcategories. But if you did not select the spouse's paycheck option then all of these things will show up under categories for you.To fix this:
- For
paychecks that are already entered: You could edit
the category splits for each paycheck transaction to select the categories that are specifically for the spouse. For instance, your 401k employer contributions has the category of _401EmployerContrib but for your spouse it would be _401EmployerContribSpouse.
(If you don't want to do this, then you can delete the already entered
paychecks and go to #2 making sure to select a start date in the past so
you can re-enter the paychecks that were deleted.)
- For your
future Paycheck Reminders: Delete the recurring reminder and set up a
new one making sure to select the spouse's paycheck option.
Quicken Classic Premier (US) Subscription: R61.20 on Windows 11 Home
0 - For
paychecks that are already entered: You could edit
the category splits for each paycheck transaction to select the categories that are specifically for the spouse. For instance, your 401k employer contributions has the category of _401EmployerContrib but for your spouse it would be _401EmployerContribSpouse.
(If you don't want to do this, then you can delete the already entered
paychecks and go to #2 making sure to select a start date in the past so
you can re-enter the paychecks that were deleted.)
This discussion has been closed.