Vanguard QFX

When I import the QFX folded download from Vanguard its correct. BUT when I then add the cost of each fund Mutual or ETF the total. bears no relation to the actual & the balance is red.


  • Quicken September
    Quicken September Quicken Mac Subscription Alumni ✭✭✭✭
    Hello, @WeeSpark.

    Thank you for visiting the Community to report your issue, though I apologize for any troubles this issue has caused you. To help us better assist you, would you mind please elaborating on this issue?

    When was the last time you remember the account balances being reconciled or otherwise correct? Is this the Market Value that is reporting as off or are you referring to the Balance Column? Is/are your account(s) reporting the correct Securities?

    Once you have this additional information, please reach back out so that we may continue diagnosing and troubleshooting this issue for you. Thank you and have a wonderful day!

    -Quicken September
  • My first download. All was correct with market values. However I then edited the cost basis and all went wrong. Only 4 of my 12 funds have the Cost basis so I was adding the cost basis for the other 8. There are also funds I sold this year but I did not add the Cost Basis to them. The whole total balance is wrong after adding the cost basis. Note most basis dates are mostly years ago.
  • Quicken September
    Quicken September Quicken Mac Subscription Alumni ✭✭✭✭
    Hello again, @WeeSpark

    Thank you for your update, though I apologize that you are experiencing this issue. When you first added the accounts everything was in balance, however, as you started filling out the cost basis for these transactions they became out of balance. Am I correct in my understanding of your issue?

    Are you able to fill out the Cost Basis for the transactions in which you sold funds as well? If so, does the discrepancy between your Vanguard and Quicken Balance get better or worse? Could you please try this and reach back out to let us know the results? Thank you!

    -Quicken September
  • jacobs
    jacobs SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta
    Look at your register for "placeholder" transactions. These are gray, and typically would be at the beginning of time for each account. A placeholder is how Quicken fills in the blanks when it does not have all the transactions or cost basis to match what Vanguard reports as your current balances. Depending on the existence of placeholder transactions and how you were entering the costs basis, you may have essentially duplicated the placeholder transaction(s), and deleting them will bring your accounts back into line. 
    Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 1993
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