In a new mutual fund, I entered the data manually. The calculated $ value is wrong ?

Hawkeye Member ✭✭
edited January 2022 in Investing (Windows)
I created a new IRA mutual fund as always. I entered manually: "ReinvstDiv, 2 shares, $200. The "Securities Value" tabulates $309.32. If I add two more shares at $200 each, the "Securities Value" still says $309.32. So it calculates wrong in the beginning, and stays at that first wrong calculationHow to get the Securities value to calculate the true value of the fund

Best Answer

  • q_lurker
    q_lurker SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓
    So when you create a new security in Quicken and provide the ticker symbol and Quicken comes back with the security name, it is also coming back with that 5-year price history.  By default, the program checks for the security to download quotes, and to add it to your watch list. 

    You can opt out on the watch list as you are creating the security, but for the download quotes option, you need to undo that at the Security List setting.  The download quotes only activates when you directly request updated quotes or through a request as part of the One-step Update process.       


  • Tom Young
    Tom Young SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    I'm not duplicating what you're describing:
    The "Market Value" per the Holdings for the Account is correct.
    Is the above representative of what you entered?

  • Ps56k2
    Ps56k2 Quicken Windows Subscription Alumni ✭✭✭✭
    Hawkeye said:
    I created a new IRA mutual fund as always.
    Well, if you have done this before and it has been working - then what is different this time ?
    Of course you need a real or virtual "security" to be held in the IRA - and that times # of shares => market value.
    What does the Register look like for this IRA ?
  • Hawkeye
    Hawkeye Member ✭✭
    That field is fine on my end. However if I select "Enter" the next window is the mutual fund. My example shows two entries. The first entry is $200 of 2 shares. That resulted in the "Securities Value" in the lower right corner to come to a total of $309.32 . The next entry is a replica of the first entry. The "Securities Value" stays at $ 309.32. So, it is inaccurate with each entry and does not add the total.
  • q_lurker
    q_lurker SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    a) your securities value is based on the most recent price of the fund.  I see on 1/13/22 that fund had a NAV of 154.66. For two shares, that makes the Securities Value 309.32.  I think that is the price Quicken is using.  Check your security details for that fund for the price history data.

    b) your second transaction is dated in the future.  As such, I don't think that is included either.  Securities Value is as of today.   
  • Ps56k2
    Ps56k2 Quicken Windows Subscription Alumni ✭✭✭✭
    yup - the 2nd transaction is for January 17 - and today is January 14 -
    so it is "below the line" - in the future .... and not counted, since it has not happened yet.

  • Hawkeye
    Hawkeye Member ✭✭
    Thank you for that information from each of you.
    I did not know how Quicken came up with $309.32 for the initial two shares. q_lurker's answer provides a potential answer as to why the initial two shares would be listed as $309.32 .
    But I have always manually entered the data. Often I do so a week or more after the transaction. The calculations always would follow the values of the manual entries, and not pull in the current value from the internet.
    As far as I know, I do not have my Quicken linked to the Internet. During set up of each mutual fund, I did not select that option.
    Due to your advice, I changed my entries and avoided entries for the future. I made three entries, all for today, 1/14.
    Now the "Securities Value" abides by my entries. The three entries of $200 each now total to $600.
    I attached a photo of these entries.
    So assuming the original example was influenced by the price of the stock yesterday, it seems now my Quicken is ignoring that price and calculating using the data I enter.
    Is there a way I could check if my Quicken is linked to the Internet ?
    If it is linked, then how do I change that setting ?

    Thank you.
  • Ps56k2
    Ps56k2 Quicken Windows Subscription Alumni ✭✭✭✭
    edited January 2022
    So many questions to ask .....
    First - What version of Quicken... Help --> About Quicken
    If it is current, then why are you manually entering transactions and not using One Step Update ?
    If manual - do you update the fund Security Price History to reflect a current market value ?
    The mutual fund price of $154 was probably downloaded when you first setup the security and Quicken got the mutual fund info from a quick download of the stock symbol - VIGAX -

  • q_lurker
    q_lurker SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    Ctrl-Y to pull up the Security List
    Click on the Vanguard Growth index Fund Adm security to bring up that security detail.
    Does the price history graph show a history of prices?
    Click the "More" button, Edit Price History?  Does that also show a by date series of prices?
    What is the price shown for the 1/13 and 1/14 and 1/17 now?
    If you are seeing older prices for that security other than prices you have entered manually as a price on a date or as a price in a transaction, you are getting data (prices and security information from the internet. 

    I too am a little surprised your reinvest dividends transaction on 1/14 did not reset the price at the time to $100/share (your first photo), but I don't have enough info.  It resets for me but I don't know what your sequencing was.    
  • Hawkeye
    Hawkeye Member ✭✭
    The Security List showed this fund had a check mark on "Download Updates" and "Watch List". I did not set it up to do so. I don't know why it was set that way. I put that fund in my Quicken on 1/13/2022, however the Price history showed the value of that fund back to 2017. The value for 1/13 was $154.66. Now it shows the value for 1/14 and 1/17 as $100 reflecting the manual entries. I will start actually adding funds in a week.
  • q_lurker
    q_lurker SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓
    So when you create a new security in Quicken and provide the ticker symbol and Quicken comes back with the security name, it is also coming back with that 5-year price history.  By default, the program checks for the security to download quotes, and to add it to your watch list. 

    You can opt out on the watch list as you are creating the security, but for the download quotes option, you need to undo that at the Security List setting.  The download quotes only activates when you directly request updated quotes or through a request as part of the One-step Update process.       
  • Hawkeye
    Hawkeye Member ✭✭
    Thank you.
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