What are the plans for the new dashboard?

wiserunner615 Quicken Windows Subscription Member
edited February 2022 in Reports (Windows)
I find the new dashboard to be incredibly limited at this time.

I was extremely disappointed when it first came out and would not let me go back to the classic dashboard. (I would select it and it would blink for a second and then do nothing). I struggled to find out all my pre-saved views that quickly helped me understand my overall financial picture.

Well today after an update, the classic dashboard started working again. I instantly felt at peace again as I was able to quickly review the different aspects of my finances:

-Main View - Upcoming bills.... How's our budget looking? What's this month's categorical breakdown so far?
-Income versus Expenses for the last year. I love to see how I did each month.
-Networth. Am I making any gains? How am I doing over time?
-In/Out/What's left - It's nice getting another perspective on this month is going.
-Income Year to Date. Where is our money going over the entire year?
-Expensives Year to Date. Where is our money going over the entire year? Are we spending overall more than we make? (God I hope not lol)
-Restaurant Spending/Grocery Spending (Why is food so expensive for us? Watch it and try to stick to your budget!)

I have not figured out how to add any of these views to the new dashboard? Am I missing something? What are the plans for the new dashboard? Is the old one going away?


  • wiserunner615
    wiserunner615 Quicken Windows Subscription Member
    That's all I get with the dashboard.
  • Chris_QPW
    Chris_QPW Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭

    I have not figured out how to add any of these views to the new dashboard? Am I missing something? What are the plans for the new dashboard? Is the old one going away?
    Quicken Inc hasn’t specified what their intentions are for the new Dashboard, so we have to speculate.
    To me it looks like their intent is to replace the old “Classic Dashboard” with the new one, but they have very long way to go for that.
    This is my website: http://www.quicknperlwiz.com/
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