Don't edit external links that are intended to help the Community

Those of us who have Schwab investment accounts have been without reliable downloads since the end of November. Someone asked if anyone knew about software that converts downloaded transaction csv files to qif files that could be imported and provided a link to that software. I had used that in the past and I found the link to the most recent version, downloaded it spent 2 hours of figuring out how to make it work. I shared the link and the lessons learned with the thread. Today I found that the link was removed as a Solicitation. A "solicitation" that should be rejected is for a competing product. A link to a product that makes Quicken more useful to the users that you don't make yourself should not be considered a solicitation.
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  • jacobs
    jacobs SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta
    @Tom Scott The moderators should use a different word than "solicitation" when they remove info from posts; they don't allow discussion of any competing or third party products on this site, period. It doesn't matter whether you want to compare features between Quicken or competing personal finance products, or suggest people buy another product, or talking about third-party products to use with Quicken.

    The product you're talking about likely violates Quicken's terms of service, because Quicken and/or Intuit receive revenue from financial institutions for using Intuit's connectivity services, and products which convert .csv or .qif files into .qxf files Quicken can import spoof FI ID numbers to trick Quicken into accepting the transactions. 

    I'm a fellow Quicken user and don't speak for the company. I understand that you're just trying to work around problems you're having with Schwab imports into Quicken and feel it's justified; I'm, only offering an explanation why they don't allow such products to be discussed on their forum.
    Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 1993