Can't download/update American Express transactions

soulman Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭
My wife and I have tracked our (separate) Am Ex Delta Skymiles credit cards in Quicken for some years. Mine now shows no transactions after last August; hers shows only 11 transactions for all of 2021!! I tried resetting connections, etc -- no luck. So I created new credit card accounts for each of them as I've done in the past to get the newer downloads. Both of these now show transactions dating from late November until now, but this leaves her missing most of a year and me missing about three months.
Following hints I found here, I tried again with (different) new credit card accounts for both, connecting directly to American Express without "Delta Skymiles" -- much quicker downloads, fewer confusing old cards, but no change in the "missing" transactions. I then changed from Quicken Connect to Direct Connect on these accounts, following another hint here -- no better.
FWIW, the credit card number on her account was changed slightly (fraud concerns) in the middle of last year, but that wouldn't explain only 11 transactions before that. And my credit card number didn't change last year.
Any idea how I recover all our 'missing' transactions?


  • jacobs
    jacobs Quicken Mac Subscription SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta
    Most banks and credit card companies limit direct downloads to third-party applications like Quicken to the post recent 90 days. It's not a limit Quicken impress; it's entirely up to each financial institution.

    In many (but not all) cases, the credit card company may have a place on their website where you can download a larger time period of transactions, such as all of 2021; if they do, and if one of the download formats is "Quicken" or "QXF" (or sometimes "OFX"), then you can download that file to your computer and then import it into Quicken. If they only offer CSV format, Quicken Mac cannot import that. 
    Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 1993
  • soulman
    soulman Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭
    Thanks, that helps. You're right, it looks like both of us are getting only 90 days of data, whether I use Quicken Connect or Direct Connect. Makes sense that's coming from the AmEx end. I can try the QXF thing -- if it doesn't work well, I can talk to AmEx.
  • soulman
    soulman Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭
    edited February 2022
    Couple updates, one good, one bad. When I chose export to Quicken (which generates QFX files) in AmEx, it popped up a note saying you may need to disconnect and reconnect all your AmEx accounts to fix a problem due to an AmEx system update. Did that. It fixed my missing transactions. Yay. *I note this here for others having trouble updating their AmEx account.*

    But this step didn't fix my wife's missing transactions. So I figured out how to do QFX exports for her files (had to go 6 months at a time). Then I found I had to create a whole new Quicken file to import them, but OK, whew, they got there. Then I eventually found a workaround to import them from there to my actual Quicken file, which seemed to require I create a new credit card account . But now I can't figure out how to merge them into her existing Amex account which has past years and the last 90 days in it...

    Is there a way to move say 500 transactions from one credit card account to another inside my Quicken file? Or is there a better way to import QFX data into an existing credit card account?
  • jacobs
    jacobs Quicken Mac Subscription SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta
    @soulman  Good work… and you're 99% of the way there! Moving a block of transactions from one account to another is actually quite easy:
    • Click on the account in the left sidebar which has the old transactions.
    • Click on any transaction in the register and do Edit > Select All (or Command-A).
    • With all the transactions highlighted, click-and-drag on any transaction over to the existing Amex account in the left sidebar, and release the mouse. All the transactions will be moved to the account you dragged to.
    • After verifying that the account with the imported transactions is now completely empty, you can delete it: Control-click on the account in the sidebar and selected Delete from the pop-up menu.
    Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 1993
  • soulman
    soulman Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭
    @jacobs Thank you *so much.* That worked. You've saved me a ton of frustration; I really appreciate it.
  • jacobs
    jacobs Quicken Mac Subscription SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta
    @soulman  Thanks for posting back that you were able to get the problem resolved. Happy to have helped!
    Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 1993
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