Running a command(s) when closing Quicken
Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
Let's say every time I close Quicken I want to run a command, something like:
Copy C:\Users\ersat\Documents\Quicken\MY_Quicken.QDF D:\Quicken
Is there a way to do this?
Copy C:\Users\ersat\Documents\Quicken\MY_Quicken.QDF D:\Quicken
Is there a way to do this?
The way to do that is make your own command script. Say Quicken.cmd (NotePad can create the file as long as you save it or renaming it to have the .cmd type).
Here example of a command script that copies a QDF file from the user's Dropbox folder to a temporary folder (c:\Quicken), runs it from there, and then when finished copies it back.
Note that you could put this script on your Desktop, or put where you like and create a shortcut to it, to run it:@echo offset DATA_FILE=Current.qdfset DATA_DIR=c:\Quickenset QUICKEN_DROPBOX_DIR=%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\Quickencopy "%QUICKEN_DROPBOX_DIR%\%DATA_FILE%" "%DATA_DIR%\%DATA_FILE%"IF %ERRORLEVEL% == 0 GOTO COPY_PASSEDstart /wait cmd /C "ECHO %QUICKEN_DROPBOX_DIR%\%DATA_FILE% copy of data file failed. && PAUSE"GOTO END:COPY_PASSED"%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Quicken\qw.exe" "%DATA_DIR%\%DATA_FILE%"copy "%DATA_DIR%\%DATA_FILE%" "%QUICKEN_DROPBOX_DIR%\%DATA_FILE%"IF %ERRORLEVEL% == 0 GOTO ENDstart /wait cmd /C "ECHO %DATA_DIR%\%DATA_FILE% copy of data file failed. && PAUSE":END
For a dead simple example of what you requested:@echo off"%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Quicken\qw.exe" "C:\Users\ersat\Documents\Quicken\MY_Quicken.QDF"
Copy C:\Users\ersat\Documents\Quicken\MY_Quicken.QDF D:\QuickenSignature:
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