Bank accounts not showing in left side Accounts List

Mahanta12 Quicken Windows Other Member ✭✭
So I was able to download a Merrill Edge account that is connected to my BofA banking, which I typically get to through the BofA site. When I first downloaded the BofA accounts, the Merrill account was included. So that was last week and the Merrill account was visible in the far left column under the Accounts tab. Today, I downloaded an investment account from TDAmeritrade. The download went fine, but now the Merrill account doesn't show at all in the Accounts list, and the TDAmeritrade account in the Accounts list is under the heading "Investments", which I don't think was there before. Where did my Merrill account go and why isn't it showing now? Very frustrating. Thanks for any remedies provided.

Best Answer

  • Tom Young
    Tom Young Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited March 2022 Answer ✓
    The "Account Bar", (that's Quicken's term for the list of Accounts that show up on the left or right side of the screen), has headings for different types of Accounts.  The heading "Banking" will include checking, savings, cash, and credit card accounts, and the heading "Investments" will include brokerage accounts, mutual fund accounts, various retirement and tax-deferred accounts in which securities are held, and so forth.
    I would expect that the Merrill account would have been in the Investments group right from the start, but if that Account got created simultaneously with the creation of the BofA banking Account I assume it was in the Banking group?  That would only be possible, I'd think, if there was only cash in the the Merrill account.   Please confirm.
    " When I first downloaded the BofA accounts, the Merrill account was included."
    When you set up a Quicken Account with a financial institution and provide your user ID and password, Quicken finds all the accounts associated with that password.  So if at BofA you have a checking account, a savings account and a credit card that are all under that user ID and password, then Quicken would find those accounts and list them out for you, asking for each if you want to Add the Account to Quicken, Link the account to an existing Quicken Account, or Ignore the account.  Are you saying that when you established your BofA banking Account in Quicken, the Merrill account was one of the accounts found and your ADDED it to Quicken?
    I can't imagine a situation where adding another account from another financial institution would remove an existing Account in Quicken.  Just to be clear; are you saying that "today" you opened Quicken, saw your two (or more) Accounts in Quicken in the Account Bar, which included the Merrill Account, went through the process of adding the TDAmeritrade Account to Quicken and, having done that, the Merrill Account vanished?  If you can't say "Yes" to that question with complete certainty then one scenario is that you opened a Quicken backup that was established before you added the Merrill Account.
    Since this all happened just today you might try reopening the file you're referring to by " that was last week", (use File Explorer to see that "last week's" creation date) and try adding the TDAmeritrade account again.


  • Tom Young
    Tom Young Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited March 2022 Answer ✓
    The "Account Bar", (that's Quicken's term for the list of Accounts that show up on the left or right side of the screen), has headings for different types of Accounts.  The heading "Banking" will include checking, savings, cash, and credit card accounts, and the heading "Investments" will include brokerage accounts, mutual fund accounts, various retirement and tax-deferred accounts in which securities are held, and so forth.
    I would expect that the Merrill account would have been in the Investments group right from the start, but if that Account got created simultaneously with the creation of the BofA banking Account I assume it was in the Banking group?  That would only be possible, I'd think, if there was only cash in the the Merrill account.   Please confirm.
    " When I first downloaded the BofA accounts, the Merrill account was included."
    When you set up a Quicken Account with a financial institution and provide your user ID and password, Quicken finds all the accounts associated with that password.  So if at BofA you have a checking account, a savings account and a credit card that are all under that user ID and password, then Quicken would find those accounts and list them out for you, asking for each if you want to Add the Account to Quicken, Link the account to an existing Quicken Account, or Ignore the account.  Are you saying that when you established your BofA banking Account in Quicken, the Merrill account was one of the accounts found and your ADDED it to Quicken?
    I can't imagine a situation where adding another account from another financial institution would remove an existing Account in Quicken.  Just to be clear; are you saying that "today" you opened Quicken, saw your two (or more) Accounts in Quicken in the Account Bar, which included the Merrill Account, went through the process of adding the TDAmeritrade Account to Quicken and, having done that, the Merrill Account vanished?  If you can't say "Yes" to that question with complete certainty then one scenario is that you opened a Quicken backup that was established before you added the Merrill Account.
    Since this all happened just today you might try reopening the file you're referring to by " that was last week", (use File Explorer to see that "last week's" creation date) and try adding the TDAmeritrade account again.
  • Ps56k2
    Ps56k2 Quicken Windows Subscription Alumni ✭✭✭✭
    edited March 2022
    Mahanta12 said:  Where did my Merrill account go and why isn't it showing now?
    As mentioned by @Tom Young - it seems really weird to have an Account just vanish... especially from the Account List.
    So - when you open Quicken, it usually opens the latest QDF data file. 
    Click on the top menu -> File -> and scroll to the bottom of the screen...
    are there more than one file listed in the "recent list" ?

  • Mahanta12
    Mahanta12 Quicken Windows Other Member ✭✭
    Thank you for your response. I have 2 questions related to your answer:

    1) You wrote: "So - when you open Quicken, it usually opens the latest QDF data file.
    Click on the top menu -> File -> and scroll to the bottom of the screen...
    are there more than one file listed in the "recent list" ?"

    I don't see any backup files showing, just the current file I recently opened for setup. Yet I have backed it up a number of times, and got the message that "file was backed up successfully." Maybe I'm looking in the wrong place, which is the left-hand "File" heading dropdown list. Where did they go? I checked in the Microsoft One Drive file explorer and they're not there. Now I puzzled. Any suggestions? Also, BTW, what is Dropbox and should I be using that?

    2) Since the Merrill file isn't showing as written above, couldn't I just add Merrill from Quicken using the "Add Account" function, search for Merrill, and enter the login info. (for Merrill) at that point, and let B of A find it among their institutions listed and add it that way? Would that risk messing up my Quicken page, or have any adverse consequences. Seems to me that would be a work-around for my original problem, but I don't want to mess anything up. Thanks.
  • Ps56k2
    Ps56k2 Quicken Windows Subscription Alumni ✭✭✭✭
    edited March 2022
    you are confusing your terminology - which is making it a little hard to follow along...
    The Recent File list - is the Quicken QDF data file - and is usually stored in a file location like what I listed above.
    What is your complete file name location -... ??

    Next - NEW Topic you just mentioned - Backup files -
    There are TWO types - the Quicken Automatic and Quicken Manual.
    Within wherever you have your Quicken QDF file saved - there should be another folder called \BACKUP\ -
    and that's where your "Quicken auto backup files" are created.
    There is also the Quicken Manual backup files - and those are created wherver you "point" Quicken to save them -
    with the --> File --> Create Backup or Copy -->

    On your #2 Merrill question - still not sure how an "account" (not a file) just disappears from your Quicken data -
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