No "Share Balance" in Brokerage Transactions window

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Upgraded to Mac 6.6.0 and "Share Balance" is no longer available as a column in the Brokerage Transaction window. It was a very helpful feature when manually entering in transactions so you can immediately see if you made mistake by comparing the Share Balance with the statement balance. Now the work-around is to bounce back and forth between the Transactions view and the Portfolio view for every transaction entry. This is a step backwards in ease-of-use and I consider it a bug. Please bring it back.
@barryi Share Balance is still a column available in investing accounts. If you're not seeing it, it is likely because you have clicked on an account group in the left sidebar, such as Brokerage or Retirement or Investing. Click on any individual investment account, and you will see Share Balance available as a column. (This is not new; it's always been this way.)Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 19930
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