Statement Payee and Statement Amount seriously wrong on downloads

cony Member ✭✭
I have many instances where the Statement Payee/Amount are wrong on an automatically matched downloaded transaction. The Statement Payee will often be one that never pays to that bank account. Often I can find a transaction in some other bank account that has the same Statement Payee and Amount and that was valid (i.e. it shows in my real bank statement). It appears that QMac has copied the valid download info and used it instead of the correct download data. In the attached example the Amount is correct and the Statement Amount is wrong. This happens especially often when I deposit a check to an account at the branch. In those cases I will have entered a Payee, but the download has DEPOSIT BRANCH as the Statement Payee. Possibly it fails to find a match and just grabs something convenient. I have hundreds of examples. I use Quicken Mac Premier 6.6.2 subscription on the latest MacOS at all times.
Date Match Status Entered Posted Payee Statement Payee Amount Statement Amount
3/5/2021 Matched (auto) 3/7/2021 3/5/2021 Michael Wolken DEPOSIT BRANCH 2978.5 1500


  • cony
    cony Member ✭✭
    I agree. I did not touch the Amount. The Amount is correct, the Statement Amount is wrong. I have about 50 much worse cases including several manual matches. I also have about 200 similar errors involving transfers but these do not bother me too much. In the manual cases I have seen that my entered transaction and the downloaded transaction appear correct but when I drop the entered onto the downloaded it completely changes the Statement Payee and Statement Amount to something entirely unrelated - but usually a real entry from a different register. Again this happens primarily in case of checks deposited at a bank.
    As a result I can never trust the Statement items and I use only the Payee and Amount items.
  • jacobs
    jacobs SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta
    edited March 2022
    Statement Amount is what is coming directly from your bank; Statement Amount is never altered by Quicken, and you can't alter it manually either. Could you Control-click on the transaction you showed, and select "Unmatch Transaction" from the pop-up menu. As Rick says, it doesn't make sense that Quicken auto-matched two transactions with different amounts; you can do that manually, but I don't know how it can happen automatically. After you unmatch them, you can drag one onto the other, and Quicken will ask if you want to match these transactions — and will tell you the two transactions have different amounts, and that if you merge them, the transaction will inherit the downloaded amount, not the amount of the manual transaction.

    Editing to add: if you can post more screenshots, please post screenshots from he Quicken register or from View > Show Inspector; the one you posted above seems to be from a spreadsheet. 
    Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 1993
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