R40.21 disables update with my bank - Farmers National Bank - asking for PIN

The R40.21 version (running Windows 10 Pro fully updated) broke the ability to update with my bank, Farmers National Bank of Prophetstown.

Removed (deactivated) online services for the two accounts and attempted to reinstall online services. Didn't work. Quicken is asking for an "FNB Online Pin" instead of a password. The pin appears to be only used with the Android FNB app.

Morgan Stanley and Fidelity and Citibank sync well.


  • NotACPA
    NotACPA SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    It might be asking for the Pin that you use at the ATM.  I've had other banks do that.

    Q user since February, 1990. DOS Version 4
    Now running Quicken Windows Subscription, Business & Personal
    Retired "Certified Information Systems Auditor" & Bank Audit VP

  • bluepen61
    bluepen61 Member ✭✭
    Nope. That didn't work either. Thank you for the suggestion though. My bank couldn't help me.
  • bluepen61
    bluepen61 Member ✭✭
    FWIW, I downloaded Quicken and 'reinstalled' Quicken, R39.23. Trying to connect to my bank, Quicken asked for a password (instead of a pin number. Put in my password and the bank rejected it. R39.23 is a prior release from R40.21. I am observing some reshuffling of security protocols by other entities and Quicken might be having a difficult time adapting to it. My bank changed theirs online presence slightly, Google seems to be changing their 3rd party security though I don't know much about that as I don't use Google to login to third party apps. So this is interesting.

    The R40.21 version seemed flakey, in that it installed quickly, like too quickly. And when attempting to reset the online sync with the bank, Quicken wanted to create another account instead of creating and online sync. So maybe tomorrow or later they will have something that resolves these issue(s).
  • bluepen61
    bluepen61 Member ✭✭
    It is Monday afternoon and R39.23 is still the most up-to-date version. No change in downloading transactions from my bank.
  • bluepen61
    bluepen61 Member ✭✭
    Back to R40.21. It still does not connect to my bank. Continues to ask for a 'PIN' which the account generally does not use for login. When will this be resolved?
  • bluepen61
    bluepen61 Member ✭✭
    And of course, the Quicken errors result in FNB locking may login. Thank you very much Quicken.
  • thecreator
    thecreator SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    Hi @"bluepen61 ,

    The only way to get everything back up, is to wipe out Quicken and all its logs. See this procedure:  https://community.quicken.com/discussion/7844658/installing-reinstalling-windows-quicken-subscription-editions

    You also need to delete its Data File, but the Manual Backups.

    However, it is up to you. I have seen an update empty the Vault Password Vault. The fix was to Restore the last Manual Backup File.

    By the way, you haven't disclosed the protocol you are using to connect to Farmers National Bank.

    thecreator - User of Quicken Subscription R53.16 USA

    Windows 10 Pro 32-Bit Build 19045.3693
    Windows 10 Pro 64-Bit Build 19045.3754

  • bluepen61
    bluepen61 Member ✭✭
    thecreator: Thank you very much for the suggestion/workaround. The ui cleaner utility was not available for download, so I uninstalled Quicken, deleted the folders/files listed in the article, and installed R40.21. With that said, the existing accounts for One Step Update institutions appeared to sync. When adding FNB to the One Step Update list, the routine was asking for a Username and 'Online PIN'. 'Online PIN' is not used by FNB. So I backed out of the setup routine for FNB. Updating my FNB account has been seamless until the recent update or two of Quicken. FNB has recently updated their online access but still appears to only ask for username and password.
  • bluepen61
    bluepen61 Member ✭✭
    I hate replying to my own posts. It is as if no one listens....

    After discussions with my bank, the bank changed their website and changed the url for downloading data. At that time in April, they requested the url be changed at Quicken. It has not been changed. Apparently they are not adept to making simple changes. Yesterday, I chatted with a Quicken representative requesting the change. The change is long overdue. I am very disappointed in the Quicken customer/bank support.
  • bluepen61
    bluepen61 Member ✭✭
    As of this morning, the URL for my bank has not been updated by Quicken.
  • [Deleted User]
    @bluepen61 - have you tried downloading to Quicken directly from your bank's website?  I have heard that after you do that for a few times, it might get the connection working again.  I don't know if will work, but it's worth a try.
  • bluepen61
    bluepen61 Member ✭✭
    @Damian Sorry, I do not understand downloading to Quicken directly from your bank's website. Are you saying, download quicken .qfx file from the bank and import manually into Quicken? If so, that option isn't available to my knowledge with the bank. I scoured their website. Or are you talking about something different?
  • Ps56k2
    Ps56k2 Alumni ✭✭✭✭
    bluepen61 said: ...broke the ability to update with my bank, Farmers National Bank of Prophetstown.
    I'm guessing this is your bank, as there are over a dozen  --> https://www.farmersnationalbank.bank/
    and the Quicken config info looks like this today - and appears to have changed since March 2022.
    08891    08891    08891    Farmers National Bank IL
    https://www.farmersnationalbank.bank/    (815) 537-2348
    https://my.farmersnationalbank.bank/login    ACTIVE

    and here is how it looked a few months ago - in March 2022 -
    08891    08891    08891    Farmers National Bank IL
    https://www.farmersnationalbank.bank/    (815) 537-2348
  • bluepen61
    bluepen61 Member ✭✭
    Hmm, that is interesting. my.farmersnationalbank.bank/ is correct, The bank never indicated /login though.

    Attached is what my setup page appears like.

    I have uninstalled Quicken, Removed what Quicken folders I could. Then downloaded and reinstalled Quicken. No change. No connection. And I have to reset my bank access password. There is no PIN.

    My Citibank, Morgan Stanley, Fidelity, and Principal Financial accounts just sync as normal, as expected.
  • bluepen61
    bluepen61 Member ✭✭
    In your response, I noticed your use of Farmers National Bank IL, instead of Farmers National Bank of Prophetstown. I have always used (to my knowledge) Farmers National Bank of Prophetstown. Oddly, the Farmers National Bank IL has the correct workings as I created a test Quicken file and was successful at online sync.

    Now how can I change the bank in my normal Quicken file? I don't want to trash years of history.
  • bluepen61
    bluepen61 Member ✭✭
    Sheeze, finally resolved...

    After recognizing I was using an erroneous entry for my bank, thanks Quicken, I was able to accidently remove my online info for my bank accounts by updating my One-Step Update list.

    Oddly, the bank wasn't listed.

    Then Quicken recognized a missing online data and allowed me to search the bank list for the entry with the correct URL: Farmers National Bank IL. Sadly an incorrect bank name.

    Well I was then able to log into FNB and sync/update the two accounts.

    Sadly it is querky that changing the bank on an account is so obscure, difficult, and undocumented. Difficult in that it is obscure and undocumented.

    Thank you @Ps56k2 for posting the confusing multiple entries for FNB.

    I'll message the bank's support folks about this. Maybe Quicken will find the time for resolve obsolete bank entries in their database.
  • Ps56k2
    Ps56k2 Alumni ✭✭✭✭
    edited May 2022
    Weird mystery - somewhat solved - but still ....
    It appears there are TWO totally different entries for ALL the "Farmers National" entries...... a 2nd one with "THE" as the prefix.
    Your screen shot clued me into looking for "THE" entries -
    and here is your "of Pro" entry - but it has a different bank serial number.
    So, I'm not sure what to say - the same banking group, but with two totally different entries - a dozen of each -
    23706    23706    23706    The Farmers National Bank of Pro   
    http://www.fnbptown.com/    1-815-537-2348   
    https://cm.netteller.com/login2008/Authentication/Views/Login.aspx?fi=fnbptown&bn=3855944298a29165&burlid=8eb6897d24b05f9c    ACTIVE                  
    and of course - the without the prefix -
    08891    08891    08891    Farmers National Bank IL
    https://www.farmersnationalbank.bank/    (815) 537-2348
    https://my.farmersnationalbank.bank/login    ACTIVE

  • bluepen61
    bluepen61 Member ✭✭

    I have always know it as Farmers National Bank of Prophetstown. At some point, many years ago, they dropped the "of Prophetstown" from their logo and statement. Probably occurred when Farmers National Bank in Geneseo was swallowed up by Norwest.

    I don't know how or why Farmers National Bank IL was created on Quicken. That item has the correct URL. I would not recognize Farmers National Bank IL to be associated with FNB Prophetstown.

    And I am unfamiliar with a bank serial number that you mention.
  • [Deleted User]
    edited May 2022
    @bluepen61 - sorry it took so long for me to respond, but most of the time, a bank will have a way to download into Quicken directly from your online account with them.  I think this type of connection is called "Web Connect".  Look for a "download to Quicken" option in your online account.  It is usually an option along with viewing your transaction history.  When you download your information to Quicken this way, it will populate the bank name information into Quicken also (Financial Institution). Once you successfully create a "Web Connect" connection, you can go into the account details online tab and upgrade to "Express Web Connect" (or Direct Connect, if available").  You can tell that an upgrade is available if you see a link "Change Connection Method".
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