Loan Schedule - how to adjust the columns so I can see them all in the dialogue box

Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
When I look at my loan payment details ("View payment schedule" --> in the detail box that pops up showing the entire amortization), the columns do not all show at once in the dialogue box. There is a scroll bar at the bottom, and I can shift it to see the columns to the right or left, but I cannot see them all at once.

There are only five columns in discussion here: an index counter of payments, the payment date, the principal amount, the interest amount, and the principal balance. There is LOTS of extra width in each of the columns, especially the first two. There are NO adjustment options that I can find within this dialogue box to shrink the widths of the columns, nor is there any way to adjust the overall width of the dialogue box to make it wider and accommodate the columns as they are presented.

I am a LONG time Quicken for Windows user (as in... back to the late 1980's!), and am currently a "subscription" user of Quicken Deluxe (Version R40.21, Build This issue with the loan payment detail dialogue display started sometime maybe about 5 years ago - before that, I WAS able to see all the columns at once (although I don't recall if that was because I was able to adjust the columns or the dialogue box size in that earlier version or not). Anyway, it's been an irritant for these many years, and tonight I decided to poke about and see if there was any solution. I am posting this question to the community, as I couldn't locate any discussion about this.


  • Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    I don't remember that particular box ever being visible across all its columns, but I might be wrong about that.  I don't know of any way of adjusting that presentation to be able to see all the columns, and at this time I don't think there's any way to do that.
    I typically click on the "printer" icon and print to a PDF (e.g., "Microsoft Print to PDF") to see everything in one place.
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    Tom - thanks for your reply. Yeah, the print-to-.pdf does work, but it's cumbersome. This is a minor detail that, maybe by raising the question, can end up on a future update "What's Improved" list!

    [BTW, for any on the Quicken developer side that read this -- shortly after I posted this thread, my system did install the most recent update, and is now R41.10 Build And, as of that version/build, the situation with the loan payment schedule details dialogue box I described is unchanged.]
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