Is there a QuickLook plugin for QFX files

MrPDGee Quicken Mac Subscription Member
Quicklook feature on Mac (used to) let me select a QFX and QIF financial transaction file, tap the space bar, and be able to quickly peruse the file contents. I used this extensively when having to manually export data from various financial institutions that don't directly support connections with Quicken. It let me verify the date range and other pertinent data were what I expected before I import the file into Quicken. Not sure whether an application change or an OS change is to "blame" but there's no longer an ability to "quicklook" QFX and QIF files.

Is this feature available with Quicken, or is there another 3rd party option that will add Quicklook for QFX and QIF on Mac?


  • jacobs
    jacobs Quicken Mac Subscription SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta
    QXF files are plain text files, so you can simply open them in TextEdit. It's not QuickLook, but it opens almost instantly.
    Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 1993
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