Edit transaction in register without showing details (Q Mac)

EBaker_202207 Member ✭✭
It seems that Quicken has all of a sudden decided that the only way certain transactions can be edited is in "show details" mode. All I want to do is double click the category and change from Uncategorized to the Field of my choice. However, only the date and type columns allow data entry - all other entries need to be made in the detail fields below.


  • jacobs
    jacobs SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta
    @EBaker_202207 I'm confused by your statement of the problem. To the best of my knowledge, nothing has changed about register views in a long time.

    If you double-click a regular transaction to edit it, you can edit any of fields in the columns you have visible, including category, tag, memo, amount, check number, etc. — all in the transaction line, without doing Show Details.

    I see you mention "Type" — so are you referring to transactions in an investment account? Investment registers are a bit different because they combine investment transactions and banking transactions. Banking transactions are those with Type=Payment/Deposit; with that Type selected, these transaction behave just like banking transactions in checking or credit card registers. While double-clicking a Payment/Deposit transaction does bring up the Details section under the line, you can edit the category, memo, tag, amount, etc. within the line.

    If you have Type set to any investment type transaction, then those details get entered/edited in the detail section below; this has not changed. These transactions don't have categories, though, so I don't think that's what you're talking about.

    Finally, if you're editing a scheduled transaction, you're limited to editing the date and amount if you've double-clicked the next instance of the transaction. If you want to edit other fields, you have to click on Edit All Instances in the blue mini-menu under the transaction, and then you can enter any field in the pop-up Details box. But since you didn't mention a separate dialog box, I'm thinking this isn't what you're referring to, either.

    So if you can add more detail about what type of account you're describing, and ideally post a screen shot or two so we can see what you're seeing, we can hopefully help you get it figured out.
    Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 1993
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