Reconciling Credit Card Statement

janes Quicken Windows Other Member ✭✭
I am using Quicken Version R428, Build In reconciling my credit card statement, I have entered Charges, which match up, and Payments/Credits which do not appear on the subsequent page listing payments.

This has never happened before, not in over 20 years. The only thing I did differently today was to add a new bank account because the other account had been compromised. Quicken then presented me with lots of account from 5-8 years ago which are closed. I deleted those Bank accounts. I did nothing with credit card accounts.


  • Sherlock
    Sherlock Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭
    If you haven't already, you may want to review: FAQ: How does Quicken determine which transactions qualify for a reconcile?
  • [Deleted User]
    edited 2022 16
    @janes - was one of the checking accounts you deleted used to make payments for your credit card?  If so, then you may have inadvertently deleted the payments/credits in the credit card account as well.
  • volvogirl
    volvogirl Quicken Windows Other SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    If the closed and deleted bank accounts had payments to the credit card those probably got deleted in the credit card account
     too.  So now the credit card account is missing some payments.

    I'm staying on Quicken 2013 Premier for Windows.

  • janes
    janes Quicken Windows Other Member ✭✭
    No to all responses. I don't think you understand that when the first Entry Box appeared, I entered all data, taken from my Credit Card Statement. The problem occurred in the next step where you check off charges and payments. Charges were listed and I checked them off. The payment amount was nowhere on the right hand side of the page where payments are supposed to be shown. It was not a date error or the cancellation of an account used to pay for the Credit Card Account.
  • @janes - when you look in your CC account register, are the payments there?  If so, do they show anything in the "Clr" column?
  • Sherlock
    Sherlock Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭
    janes said:
    No to all responses. I don't think you understand that when the first Entry Box appeared, I entered all data, taken from my Credit Card Statement. The problem occurred in the next step where you check off charges and payments. Charges were listed and I checked them off. The payment amount was nowhere on the right hand side of the page where payments are supposed to be shown. It was not a date error or the cancellation of an account used to pay for the Credit Card Account.
    Assuming you have not already marked the payment transaction as reconciled, I suggest you compare the posting date of the transaction with the closing date of the statement as described in the FAQ provided earlier.
  • janes
    janes Quicken Windows Other Member ✭✭
    Let me say that I do not sync my accounts with the bank. When I was entering a new account at the same bank as our compromised account, I was dismayed that I had to enter all that bank info. The only account that were deleted were duplicates AND I did not close any accounts.

    I am attaching pictures of of what is happening. Notice that the transactions from the 1st dialogue box are not carried over to the 2nd page.
  • Sherlock
    Sherlock Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭
    edited 2022 17
    janes said:
    Let me say that I do not sync my accounts with the bank. When I was entering a new account at the same bank as our compromised account, I was dismayed that I had to enter all that bank info. The only account that were deleted were duplicates AND I did not close any accounts.

    I am attaching pictures of of what is happening. Notice that the transactions from the 1st dialogue box are not carried over to the 2nd page.
    The images you have provided indicate Quicken doesn't think there are any other transactions in the register not marked as reconciled and with a posting date of 7/16/2022 or earlier (or a blank posting date and a transaction date of 7/16/2022 or earlier).

    Note: Only the Ending Balance amount and New Statement Ending date are used from the 1st dialogue box.
  • Dana Netherton
    Dana Netherton Member ✭✭
    One thing your images don't show is whether your credit card account's register shows a transfer transaction -- with its numbers in the "payment" column -- from your new bank account. (Nor what the date of that transaction might be.)

    If there is one, we out here also don't know whether the "clr" field in that transaction is empty, has a "c", or has an "R." (If it has an "R", Quicken might not include it on your second page as a payment that needs to be reconciled.)

    (Of course, this is just a different way of saying what @Sherlock just said ... still, I hope it might help.)

    (I use the same version of Quicken/Windows that you're using.)
  • janes
    janes Quicken Windows Other Member ✭✭
    No. It does not. Or, at least, it did not. After trying several times to get the payment amount to carry over from the first dialogue box to the second, I gave up and manual entry for the amount, crossing my fingers that it doesn't mess me up too badly next month.
  • Sherlock
    Sherlock Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭
    janes said:
    No. It does not. Or, at least, it did not. After trying several times to get the payment amount to carry over from the first dialogue box to the second, I gave up and manual entry for the amount, crossing my fingers that it doesn't mess me up too badly next month.
    Yes.  It does.  It always has.  If you've entered double payments, it will mess you up.
  • janes
    janes Quicken Windows Other Member ✭✭
    I figured.
  • Dana Netherton
    Dana Netherton Member ✭✭
    Have you tried to create a transfer transaction from your new bank account?
    (That is, in the bank account's "pay the credit card" transaction, have you entered Quicken's name for your credit card account -- inside square brackets -- in the "Category" field?)
    (In a one-line register, the "Category" field is at the immediate right of the "Payee" field. In a two-line register, it's immediately below the "Payee" field.)
    "Square brackets" will look like these: [MyCreditCardAccount]. Quicken uses these brackets to recognize that the entry in the "Category" field is *not* really a Category, but that it's actually an Account.

    If you are already familiar with these things, I apologize. I wouldn't volunteer these details/explanations, unasked-for, in a face-to-face conversation. In a forum like this, though ... well, I'm hoping to cover several bases, just-in-case.
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