New Chase Account Authorization Issues

ljgordon42 Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
I received the notice that I had to authorize my Chase accounts. All went fine on the Chase site. When I return to Quicken, the accounts are listed and the dropdown menu shows "link to current account." My Chase accounts aren't listed as a choice. Now what?

Best Answers

  • UKR
    UKR Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓
    TVT77 said:
    I had no problem with the conversion until the very last step. The new accounts are listed with the usual options to "Link to Current Account" as well as "don't link" and "add account". The problem I encountered when clicking "link to current account" is that the listing did not include my current Chase accounts. Consequently I couldn't finish the process.

    The listing that came up was populated with 20 or so accounts (but not my Chase accounts) and filled up the screen like usual -- the problem is you can't scroll further to reach any additional accounts you may have (like Chase).
    Usually, when an account is already activated for downloading, you can't activate it again. It must be deactivated first.
    The usual procedure is to deactivate the account, close Quicken, wait 30 sec or more, start Quicken and then reactivate using the Add Accounts icon from the Account Bar header.
    In many cases, a "Reset Account" from the Edit Account Details screen, Online Services tab will work, too.
    That account listing I would like to see (redacted to protect your personal data). Is there really no scroll bar? Or is, due to your screen resolution settings, the screen too big for the size of your monitor?
    Please save images to files of file type PNG, JPG, or GIF only. They're easier to work with than PDF files.

  • Quicken Anja
    Quicken Anja Moderator mod
    Answer ✓
    Hello All,

    Thank you for reaching out to the Community and telling us about your issue, though I apologize that you are experiencing this.

    This is a known issue that has been escalated internally, though we do not have an ETA at this time. While the investigation remains ongoing, please refer to this Community Alert for any and all available updates.

    Thank you!
  • Frankx
    Frankx Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited September 2022 Answer ✓
    Hi @cmarshall52

    To answer your last question - the new Chase connection method - "Express Web Connect+" does NOT support bill payments through the bank (Chase in this case).  So, if you want to continue to pay bills in Quicken, you will need to use Quicken Bill Pay, or another bank that still supports the "Direct Connect" method.

    Let me know if you have any followups.

  • Quicken Jared
    Quicken Jared Quicken Mac Subscription Alumni ✭✭✭✭
    edited September 2022 Answer ✓
    Hello everyone,

    I am sorry that the symptoms of this issue with disappearing categories and also the problem with repeated authorization prompts are remaining for some users. Thank you for alerting us to this here on the Quicken Community, and for continuing to speak with us about this. 

    It would be best for all users still experiencing the problems detailed in this Discussion - specifically categories that have disappeared and recurring authorization prompts after you have already migrated - to reach out to Quicken Support with the information provided here. They will want to document those cases where these problems are ongoing, and will be able to troubleshoot them in greater detail, with the resources available at their disposal.

    I hope that helps!

    Thank you,

    Quicken Jared 


  • purplepen
    purplepen Quicken Windows Other Unconfirmed, Member
    I just paid my annual fee to update Quicken. Now I'm unable to link my Chase accounts to download directly into Quicken. What should I do?
  • Sammywupper
    Sammywupper Quicken Mac Subscription Member
    Still not working as of today
  • TVT77
    TVT77 Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    edited August 2022
    I had no problem with the conversion until the very last step. The new accounts are listed with the usual options to "Link to Current Account" as well as "don't link" and "add account". The problem I encountered when clicking "link to current account" is that the listing did not include my current Chase accounts. Consequently I couldn't finish the process.

    The listing that came up was populated with 20 or so accounts (but not my Chase accounts) and filled up the screen like usual -- the problem is you can't scroll further to reach any additional accounts you may have (like Chase).
  • djhc12a
    djhc12a Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    After accepting the new connection update to my Chase account, I was given the option to link my account to a new account or an existing account. I selected existing, but there was no option to link to my current Chase Account.
  • mrpaley1
    mrpaley1 Member ✭✭✭
    > @djhc12a said:
    > After accepting the new connection update to my Chase account, I was given the option to link my account to a new account or an existing account. I selected existing, but there was no option to link to my current Chase Account.

    I noticed this as well so I then selected not to add the account. I deselected online services and tried to set up for online which locked up the program multiple times. I eventually used the 'add account' interface and it took me through the same new Chase authorization process. It defaulted to 'link' to existing but again didn't show my existing account. However I took a leap of faith and it matched up.
  • UKR
    UKR Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓
    TVT77 said:
    I had no problem with the conversion until the very last step. The new accounts are listed with the usual options to "Link to Current Account" as well as "don't link" and "add account". The problem I encountered when clicking "link to current account" is that the listing did not include my current Chase accounts. Consequently I couldn't finish the process.

    The listing that came up was populated with 20 or so accounts (but not my Chase accounts) and filled up the screen like usual -- the problem is you can't scroll further to reach any additional accounts you may have (like Chase).
    Usually, when an account is already activated for downloading, you can't activate it again. It must be deactivated first.
    The usual procedure is to deactivate the account, close Quicken, wait 30 sec or more, start Quicken and then reactivate using the Add Accounts icon from the Account Bar header.
    In many cases, a "Reset Account" from the Edit Account Details screen, Online Services tab will work, too.
    That account listing I would like to see (redacted to protect your personal data). Is there really no scroll bar? Or is, due to your screen resolution settings, the screen too big for the size of your monitor?
    Please save images to files of file type PNG, JPG, or GIF only. They're easier to work with than PDF files.

  • broadrmp
    broadrmp Quicken Windows Subscription Member
    Similar problem. Only 1 of our 4 Chase accounts completed the new connection process. Quicken freezes every time I try to update the other accounts.
  • cnickel
    cnickel Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    Chase has authorized my four accounts for Quicken. Quicken does not provide the option to link all four to existing Quicken accounts and for any that I can link does not download anything from Chase. I've tried resetting, reauthorizing, deleting and readding - nothing works. All that does is remove any links to Quicken that have been set up. Right now no Chase accounts are linked to (long existing) Quicken accounts. Attempts to download from Chase via One Step Update bring up a blank screen.

    My husband has a different Quicken data file and his Chase conversion was seamless. I've done the same things with my own Quicken data file and cannot get any Chase account to update properly in Quicken. Please help!
  • TVT77
    TVT77 Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    > @UKR said:
    > Usually, when an account is already activated for downloading, you can't activate it again. It must be deactivated first.
    > The usual procedure is to deactivate the account, close Quicken, wait 30 sec or more, start Quicken and then reactivate using the Add Accounts icon from the Account Bar header.
    > In many cases, a "Reset Account" from the Edit Account Details screen, Online Services tab will work, too.That account listing I would like to see (redacted to protect your personal data). Is there really no scroll bar? Or is, due to your screen resolution settings, the screen too big for the size of your monitor?
    > Please
    > save images to files of file type PNG,
    > JPG, or GIF only. They're easier to work with than PDF files.
  • Chris_QPW
    Chris_QPW Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭
    TVT77 said:
    One heads up to other users is be sure to follow the "+ add account" -- not the "online services setup" approach. My first attempt at your instruction failed because I incorrectly went to "online services setup" thinking that was effectively the same as "+ add account". But "+ add account" worked for me while "online services setup" did not.
    There might be other differences, but one of the main different between "add account" and "online services setup" is that "add account" ignores what settings you have in the account for things like the financial institution name and account number.  Whereas "online service setup" tries to maintain them.  When you are making a major change to the account like this you don't want the old information to get into the way.  So, you either have to go into the General tab on the Account Details dialog and clear out that information before trying to reactivate or better yet just use "Add Account" (you can find it on Tools -> Add Account, or use the + on the account bar).
    This is my website:
  • Jokie
    Jokie Quicken Windows Subscription Member
    Ugh. I've also been wrangling with this since it came out. So, today I figured out that I should deactivate then set up online services...which ended in Quicken going into this weird "crash loop" alternating between a semi-visible setup dialogue and total black screen. I've had to use task manager 3 times to get out of the Quicken program. My frustration level is off the charts.
  • TVT77
    TVT77 Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    Jokie, try my instruction which said specifically "do not use online services setup" -- instead use "+ account" on the tool bar. Good luck.
  • dlipetz
    dlipetz Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    @UKR, thank you! Your instructions seemed to work for me as well.

    SHAME on Quicken for leaving out this critical step in their upgrade instructions.
  • jrhoyer
    jrhoyer Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    This update was pretty badly botched.  Thanks for wasting everyone's time on this.
  • djhc12a
    djhc12a Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    Thanks mrpaley1! The workaround you stated above worked!
  • kbrown914
    kbrown914 Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    After "reauthorizing" the Chase accounts in Quicken, I was unable to "link" to existing accounts. My existing Chase accounts were not visible to "link." As a result, I now have new accounts set up and all my historical data for these accounts are not in the "active account." How to bring over historical account data? This type of historical account data conversion has come up in numerous situations. You should be able to "move" transactions to a different Quicken account (which is really the same bank account "in real life"). How do I bring over all the historical Chase account data to the "newly established account" with this reauthorization process?
  • TVT77
    TVT77 Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    kbrown914, I had same issue, as I explained in the first post on this string. Turns out you must first deactivate your existing accounts before they will show up on your "link" list. Hopefully you have a backup file so you can attempt a new conversion from scratch.
  • kbrown914
    kbrown914 Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    Ah, OK, thanks. Perfect. Appreciate the help.
  • jperry71
    jperry71 Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    What a disaster by Quicken. I've followed all of the instructions here and get the wheel of death and black screen over and over. I've been a user for 30 years and this is just terrible.
  • heycasey
    heycasey Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    edited August 2022
    > So it seems to me that the main flaw in the Quicken instructions that came out (i.e., that notification >containing a link) is that it does not tell the user to first deactivate their original Chase bank links >BEFORE following the notification link.
    > Or users can simply use your approach and bypass the notification link. Just deactivate the chase >accounts, then "+ add account", click "chase", then "link to existing account" and your done.
    > One heads up to other users is be sure to follow the "+ add account" -- not the "online services >setup" approach. My first attempt at your instruction failed because I incorrectly went to "online >services setup" thinking that was effectively the same as "+ add account". But "+ add account" >worked for me while "online services setup" did not.

    This is essentially what worked for me. As others have pointed out, going through the process of authorizing with Chase will result in Quicken trying to link your online Chase accounts to Quicken accounts that aren't connected online (which is a Quicken bug). Deactivating online setup with your Chase accounts and then trying to "Activate downloads" will result in Quicken showing a grey screen that you can't get out of until you kill the program through Task Manager (another Quicken bug).

    Here's what I did that worked:

    (Make a backup of your Quicken file if you haven't done so already)
    1. Go through the Chase authorization process
    2. Deactivate online services for each Chase account
    3. Close Quicken then reopen. Not sure if this was needed, but I did it anyway.
    4. Go to "Account List" then "Add Account"
    5. Choose the "Chase" logo
    6. Go through the Chase authorization process again. The accounts you authorized before should already be registered.
    7. Now Quicken should allow you to link the Chase online accounts with your Quicken Chase accounts.

    The next time I updated my Chase accounts, it also re-downloaded all transactions from as early as May, so that's fun. I chose the "Accept All Matched" option and deleted the duplicates from my "Downloaded Transactions" list.

    I also noticed that for my two credit card accounts, it changed the opening balance from zero to some random dollar amount. It was screwing up my ability to reconcile these accounts after downloading.

    What a mess! I hope these bugs can be fixed soon.
  • dlipetz
    dlipetz Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    edited August 2022
    I may have spoken too soon... While I successfully got the accounts to link using steps outlined by @UKR and @heycasey and Quicken APPEARS to connect to Chase, no transactions have been downloaded since 8/12. I looked on and there are indeed transactions that have cleared that should have been downloaded to Quicken. I redid the entire process again, and still nothing.

    Is anyone actually receiving downloaded transactions?
  • arpeggiotech
    arpeggiotech Quicken Mac Subscription Unconfirmed, Member
    Here is what worked for me (I have four Chase credit accounts linked to the same Chase login). Disconnect all 4. Connect on one which takes me to Chase to approve. Link the one I am working on and link any others that show up. This appears to work for the one I reconnected not the others. Disconnect the 3 that are still not working, do same thing with one of those. Rinse and repeat.
  • RockStarInTraining
    RockStarInTraining Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    Yeah I got the Chase issue here too. I trie do the new authorization and it did not list my Chase account as the one to link to. So I thought I would deauthorize the account and then try to link again and it frozen when I deauthorized the Chase account and I had to close through Task Manager. Any time I try to now link it to Chase via eather the box at the bottom when Chase account is selected or under the Account's Edit menu. Has anyone figure out how to get around this? All my other online accounts from AMEX, Fidelity, CaptialOne, etc are still continuing to bring down transactions.
  • RockStarInTraining
    RockStarInTraining Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    > @RockStarInTraining said:
    > Yeah I got the Chase issue here too. I trie do the new authorization and it did not list my Chase account as the one to link to. So I thought I would deauthorize the account and then try to link again and it frozen when I deauthorized the Chase account and I had to close through Task Manager. Any time I try to now link it to Chase via eather the box at the bottom when Chase account is selected or under the Account's Edit menu. Has anyone figure out how to get around this? All my other online accounts from AMEX, Fidelity, CaptialOne, etc are still continuing to bring down transactions.

    I mean to say the entire program freezes up anytime I try to link to a chase account. Today I was able to link to PNC and that worked so I know it is something related to Chase.
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