Can't update Deluxe 2020

I am trying to import transactions, but it says "This version of Quicken cannot use connected services. Please click 'check for updates' to install the latest version of Quicken". When I try to update, I get this message, "An error occurred in retrieving update information. Please try again later."

What is going on and how can I fix this??


  • jacobs
    jacobs SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta
    What actual version number of Quicken Mac are you using? (Quicken dropped using calendar year names back around 2018.)

    And: do you have a current subscription to Quicken? If not, then it explains why you can't download any transactions; you must have a subscription for any online services to function. If yes, you might try logging into your account at and downloading a fresh copy of the current Quicken Mac program installer; it will install and replace your previous version to bring you up-to-date.
    Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 1993
  • I have Version 5.18.2 (Build 518.35919.100) and my membership is up to date thru April 2023. I've tried logging into the Quicken website and after i put my username/password I get "server error please try again"
  • jacobs
    jacobs SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta
    If you can't log into the website, then your problem goes beyond the Quicken application. I'd suggest you call Quicken Support and have someone screen share with your Mac so they can see what you're seeing and hopefully get your account issue resolved. then you should be able to download the current version of the program and be back in business. 
    Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 1993
  • jacobs
    jacobs SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta
    P.S. I'm wondering why you're still using version 5.18 with a current subscription? Are you on a Mac with a very old operating system (like Sierra or El Capitan) which cannot run the current version of Quicken? In that case, you may be stuck until you can upgrade your macOS. Is your Mac capable of running an operating system like Mojave or later?

    While your subscription entitles you to use Quicken's connected services, as security protocols change and the program is tweaked to maintain connectivity with Intuit's servers and financial institutions, there comes a point where a version of the program which is two years old may not connect properly. I'm not saying that's definitely the case here; I'm just letting you it may be an issue you'll have to deal with. But first, you need to work with Quicken Support to find out why you can't even log into your account on the website. Once that is resolved, the other pieces may fall into place. 
    Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 1993
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