How do I categorize a refund in a bank account?

BillPhillips Member ✭✭
I made a payment on the internet using my debit card. It gets entered into the Quicken register. Then I get a refund which gets entered into the Quicken register. Now in "reports" I have both an expenditure and a deposit. I'm not sure I want that kind of information. I don't want to lose the record of my expense and refund. But I also don't want it to look like I paid for something I actually got a refund for. I'm not sure I'm explaining this well enough for my question to be clear. What I really want to know is how Quicken handles refunds in the register for a personal bank account.


  • splasher
    splasher Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    Use the same category for both the debit and the credit, thereby effectively zeroing out that purchase.  The only other thing you could do is to delete both of them, but then you would lose any record of it at all.

    -splasher using Q continuously since 1996
    - Subscription Quicken - Win11 and QW2013 - Win11
    -Questions? Check out the Quicken Windows FAQ list

  • I like the idea of using the same category for the refund as used for the expense.
  • volvogirl
    volvogirl SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    Just curious, what other category were you using? 

    I'm staying on Quicken 2013 Premier for Windows.

  • I had created a category called "refund." That wasn't working. It was creating confusion for me. It looks like labeling a refund in the same category as the original expense will be the best solution. Then I have a record of the original expenditure, but it does not count as an expense in the summary of the categories.
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