Budget Report Missing Transactions (Q Mac)

frankperras Member ✭✭
Issue started in April, 2022. Transactions downloaded and in the ledger are missing in the budget report. For example, I have 5 transactions in a credit card account for pet expenses in August. On two made it to the budget report; the other 3 aren't there. Overstates my budget variance.

Best Answers

  • jacobs
    jacobs Quicken Mac Subscription SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta
    Answer ✓
    What is the column where is shows "CC, Chase, Amazon"?

    In Edit Budget > Select Categories, are you sure this two-level deep subcategory (00- Core > Animals > Food Supplies is selected for inclusion?
    Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 1993
  • frankperras
    frankperras Member ✭✭
    Answer ✓
    Solved! Thank you all, but Jacob got me thinking of selected budget categories. This prompted me to look at selected accounts. I checked and my Chase credit card account was not selected! Probably happened, I am guessing, when the Chase connection type was redone. Thanks again.


  • Quicken Jared
    Quicken Jared Quicken Mac Subscription Alumni ✭✭✭✭
    Issue started in April, 2022. Transactions downloaded and in the ledger are missing in the budget report. For example, I have 5 transactions in a credit card account for pet expenses in August. On two made it to the budget report; the other 3 aren't there. Overstates my budget variance.
    Hello @frankperras

    I am sorry to hear about this problem with information missing from your reports. Thank you for letting us know about this here on the Quicken Community.

    First, are these transactions all associated with the same account? What kind of transactions are they? You mentioned that the variance is overstated; are values seemingly being added to this amount?

    I will provide further recommendations once I know more about this situation. 

    Thank you,

    Quicken Jared 
  • frankperras
    frankperras Member ✭✭
    Thanks for the response. a) A spot check of 19 missing missing transactions show them all coming from one account. b) All are expenses in associated with various categories. c) No, not added, just missing. So while I think my budget/actual variance is positive, it's overstated by the missing transactions. For example in August there were 5 transactions for the Pet expense category. Three were on one credit card and 2 on another. The three do not show in the budget report but the two from the other credit card do show up. Hope this helps.
  • Quicken Jared
    Quicken Jared Quicken Mac Subscription Alumni ✭✭✭✭
    Thanks for the response. a) A spot check of 19 missing missing transactions show them all coming from one account. b) All are expenses in associated with various categories. c) No, not added, just missing. So while I think my budget/actual variance is positive, it's overstated by the missing transactions. For example in August there were 5 transactions for the Pet expense category. Three were on one credit card and 2 on another. The three do not show in the budget report but the two from the other credit card do show up. Hope this helps.
    Hello @frankperras

    Thanks so much for getting back to me with detailed answers to my earlier questions. This certainly gives us a clear path forward.

    If you have the chance, it would help us to troubleshoot the situation if you could save a backup by going to File > Save a Backup... in the upper menu at the top of the screen while Quicken is open and then create a new 'test' data file by following the steps listed below:

    1. Navigate to File
    2. Select New
    3. Select Start from scratch, click Next
    4. Choose appropriate default categories based on geographic location, click Next
    5. Choose Don't use Quicken Mobile & Web, click Next 

    You may then add the affected account in the newly created data file by navigating to the Add Account button denoted by the '+' symbol in the upper left-hand side of the screen. Try running a Budget Report as you normally would; I am curious whether or not these issues continue in this data file. 

    I hope to hear back from you about your results. 

    Thank you,

    Quicken Jared 
  • UKR
    UKR Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    Being a Quicken for Windows user myself ...
    In Quicken for Windows, there's an Option to select which bank accounts are to be included in the budget.
    Is there such an optional setting in Quicken for Mac?
    I'd look in that direction to find the transactions missing from the budget.
  • frankperras
    frankperras Member ✭✭
    I created a Quicken copy by starting from scratch, added the affected account, and downloaded three months of transactions. I then created a budget and ran the budget report. No transactions were
    missing. Everything tic'd and tied.
  • jacobs
    jacobs Quicken Mac Subscription SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta
    The missing transactions don't have Transfers in them, as well as categories, do they? It's a loophole  that such transactions can be created, and a loophole the developers have said will go away at some point. But transactions with categories which are also transfers won't show up in the expected categories in the budget. 

    That was just a wild guess; it would help if you could capture and post a screenshot of a few of the transactions which aren't reflected in the budget.
    Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 1993
  • frankperras
    frankperras Member ✭✭
    Here's three transactions which do not appear in the budget report
  • jacobs
    jacobs Quicken Mac Subscription SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta
    Answer ✓
    What is the column where is shows "CC, Chase, Amazon"?

    In Edit Budget > Select Categories, are you sure this two-level deep subcategory (00- Core > Animals > Food Supplies is selected for inclusion?
    Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 1993
  • frankperras
    frankperras Member ✭✭
    I only want to see the top category, 00 Core:Animals. It should capture all the sub-categories (see screen shot). The column, CC, Chase, Amazon, is my credit card account.
  • frankperras
    frankperras Member ✭✭
    This is only happening in one Chase credit card account. I wonder if anything happened during the change of connection for downloads between Chase and Quicken. I have reset connection several times with no change to issue -- all transactions are downloaded to Quicken but some are excluded from the budget report. Is this a known issue? I will try re-entering missing transactions manually to see if that changes anything.
  • frankperras
    frankperras Member ✭✭
    Answer ✓
    Solved! Thank you all, but Jacob got me thinking of selected budget categories. This prompted me to look at selected accounts. I checked and my Chase credit card account was not selected! Probably happened, I am guessing, when the Chase connection type was redone. Thanks again.
  • frankperras
    frankperras Member ✭✭
    Would like to add, all the comments suggesting I check this or check that were helpful and led to the final resolution. It was uncomfortable not knowing where you are relative to your budget.
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