trying to load transactions... (Q Mac)

marslan Member
I can see transactions loaded for this year from Jan -Feb and Aug to current. Everything else is missing in between. How can I fix this. I need to classify all those other transactions. Help! :/


  • jacobs
    jacobs SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta
    Did you not use Quicken during that period of time? Financial institutions typically download only 90 days of transactions to Quicken, which would explain you having the recent transactions. Some financial institutions allow you to download older transactions from their website in a QFX or Quicken format. If your financial institution allows this, specify the date range you're missing and download the file; then you'll be able to import the QFX file into Quicken.
    Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 1993
  • marslan
    marslan Member
    yes! I didn't use it - so this makes sense. thanks so much!
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