Edward Jones bank deposit & cash account

mrgumdrop Member ✭✭
Edward Jones has Insured Bank Deposit program (Symbol EJ-INSH) and cash account. Is there a way to treat Bank Deposit Program as a second cash account?


  • Tom Young
    Tom Young SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    If I'm understanding the EJ Insured Bank Deposit program - and maybe I'm not - it seems like you could either create a new cash/checking Account in Quicken and move money back and forth among various Accounts, or you could create a new "security" in the EJ Investment Account - a "security" with a constant $1/share quote - and deal with the ins and outs that way.
    You're choice of method probably would depend heavily on the way you intend to use this program and on the way EJ reports this information to you, which I know nothing about.  If you're going to use the program pretty much as a "savings" account with limited transactions, then going the route of the pseudo-security would seem easy enough - "buy" the security when you deposit into it, "sell" the security at no gain or loss when you withdraw.
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